tutor me.

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chapter 5

my parents are dead. there's no doubt about it. but how they died, i've yet to know.

when archer and i were kids, my aunt would say 'it was their time to pass' but that is a load of bullshit.

in fact it wasn't their time to pass, they were amazing parents who we needed, and loved.

i know of course she just wanted the best for us, but as a child i would've wanted to know the cold, hard truth, whether it would hurt or not. that's just the kind of child i was.

the kind of child that would play with rocks and sticks, instead of barbie dolls.

the kind of child that would rather watch action movies, rather than princess movies.

and i guess that's still how it is.

"audrey's gone, now" archer looks a little out of breath, and i furrow my brows.

"oh, okay. you're probably sad, considering you hogged her the whole night" i roll my eyes and he smirks.

"you don't like her, do you?" i question, scanning his face for any signs of agreement.

"no... of course not" he fails to make eye contact with me so i know he's lying.

"awwh! archer has a crush on audrey! how cute. should i call her up and tell her?" i tease, grinning widely.

"no, no! i mean- i don't like her. so shush" he faintly smiles before exiting my room.

i sigh, pressing play on the tv show i was previously watching.


the only downside to minah having a boyfriend, is that we're best friends and aaron is best friends with vincent, and that means we have to tag along most of the time.

usually vincent will just glare at me or roll his eyes, which i obviously return to him later. it's fun having a little feud every now and then with him, listening to him unnecessarily swear and grow angry as the weeks go by.

i stare down at my nails, fiddling with them until i hear my name being called.

"yeah?" i glance up, seeing the one and only vinnie looking at me.

everyone else is chatting away at the table, in their own conversations.

"i have to talk to you" he says.

"so talk?"

"not here, outside" he stands up, walking away from the table.

i groan, before following him out.


"i need you to um- tutor me" i almost choke out at his words.

"tutor you?" i question, and he nods.


"and why would i do that exactly?" i reply, leaning against the outdoor cafeteria walls.

"my grades are slipping... and i've heard you're one of the best at math in our grade" he admits, raking a hand through his hair.


"so i need you to tutor me" i can tell his patience is wearing thin, which is just feeding into my entertainment.

"yeah how about no?"
i grin, pulling my lip in between my teeth. he glances down at my lips, before averting his gaze back over to mine.

"find someone else" i remark. 

"you know, you're a really fucked up-" i raise an eyebrow and he stops his sentence.

"look, trust me you're the last person i want to be spending anytime with, but i really need this" he pleads.

"and what's in it for me?" i ask, noticing jonah make his way over to us, furrowed brows as usual.

"the satisfaction of helping a dear friend out?" he raises his shoulders.

"but unfortunately we're not friends" i sigh, out, as jonah presses his warm lips against mine.

i him against his lips, as he places his arms on my waist, pushing me further against the wall.

"fucking disgusting" vinnie gags and i roll my eyes.

"can you at least think about it?" vinnie questions and jonah turns around to face him.

"sure whatever, after school or something"
i latch my lips onto jonah's again, running my hand through his mane of dark hair.

"i missed you" i mutter, pulling away.

"me too. who was that guy?" his eyes are covered in concern.

"oh aaron's friend. he wants help with school stuff" i try lace our fingers together but jonah doesn't move.

"don't help him, lana"

"hey it's okay, don't be jealous, i don't even like him" i chuckle, but he just sighs.

"whatever, let's go" i watch as a deep frown spreads across his face as we walk back into the cafeteria.

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