001: Home

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Finn Wolfhard as Xavier Milrowe (Milrowe pronounced Mul-Row)


"Ah, the sweet smell of Avonlea." Xavier remarked quietly, breathing in the cool air as he took a step off the train.

He had a backpack hanging on his shoulders and two suitcases at his sides, one in each hand. He walked off the platform and onto the snowy ground and continued on his way home, not being bothered by having to take a long walk. Xavier rather liked to walk instead of taking a carriage or a motor vehicle, it was more calming this way; even if it was cold outside.

Two or three hours later, not quoting him on that as his perception of time was horrendous, he made it to his old house. The house he used to live in before moving away abruptly four years ago to go live in America, and my God was that an awful idea.

Xavier sighed happily and put down one of his suitcases to unlock the door. He opened it and grabbed the suitcase from the porch, placing both the suitcases and his backpack on the floor inside, closing the door afterwards. He wandered around the house, looking at all of the knick-knacks him and his parents didn't bring on the trip.

He stopped at a table that held a picture of him, his mother, his father, and Mary-Anne; though, she went by Mary. Mary was their maid, but she felt more like family than anything. She would come to family outings, parties the family attended, anything really.

Speaking of his family, they would be coming in a few months; along with Mary. The three of them had things they still needed to do back in America but they wanted Xavier to get a head start on unpacking and going to school, even though it would be hard to do everything himself he was sure that he could manage.


The next day, Xavier woke up bright and early. He wanted to get a start to the day so that he would have time to eat breakfast and get to school without having to worry about being late, as he doesn't fully remember the way.

Xavier got out of bed and put on his clothes that he set out the night before. He walked downstairs and into the kitchen, pulling out the essentials to make eggs and toast.

After he finished cooking he quickly ate his food and put the dish in the sink, to be washed later. He grabbed his jacket and book bag, put his shoes on, and opened his door. As he stepped outside, the cool air hit his face and the wind blew his, not yet cut, hair around. Xavier shut the door and walked down the stairs of the porch, trying to remember the path he has to take to make it to school.

A bit later and Xavier finally found the right path, keeping a steady pace so he doesn't get there too early. On his way, he heard voices up ahead, and one sounded oddly familiar. He ran forward, seeing the backs of two heads.

"Diana Barry." Xavier stated, once he slowed down. "What a coincidence seeing you in this part of the woods."

The said girl turned her head quickly, a huge smile adorning her face once she realized who was speaking.

"Xavier!" Diana exclaimed, running up and giving him a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too, Di. How have you been?" Xavier asked, once Diana let the hug go.

"I have been very well, thank you. What about you?" She smiled.

"Oh, you know, same old same old." He shrugged, brushing the comment off and turning to the other girl.

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