"She's been there your whole life Sky, you love her. That's something you can't change, regardless of what she did. You can't choose how you feel for someone no matter how much you want to. It'll take time, but you'll get through this." 

"You ditched family dinner."

"Of course I did, you needed me. Sky, I don't care if I get in trouble for it, I'll always be here when you need me."

I snuggled further into her, enjoying the comfort while I could. I knew I'd have to head up there in the next day or two. Despite what I felt for my grandmother, they were my family so I needed to be there for them, especially my grandad. He still supported me through it all and he just lost someone he had been with most of his life. Ashley's phone rang a couple of times, but she ignored it except  a quick text. I appreciated her so much, she was the only thing that was keeping me grounded right now. We sat there for another hour or so until Ashley heard my stomach growl. 

"When did you last eat?"

"I'm not hungry," 

"Liar, I know you don't feel hungry, but your stomach is saying otherwise. Now if I know you, you probably didn't have breakfast, just something small before the soccer thing so we're going to get food." Before I could protest, she gave me a look and added, "You don't have a choice, I will force feed you if I have to."

I rolled my eyes, but kissed her softly, "You're hot when your bossy."

Ashley rolled her eyes at me before pushing me off her, "Don't try that on me, get up."

Ashley's POV

There was no way I was going to let Sky be alone tonight so I made her stay over. I knew she would probably prefer her house, but I was likely already in trouble and didn't want to push it. Sky had asked Paige to look after Jax as she would have to head up to her family tomorrow so she had reluctantly agreed. When we got back to my house, I quickly sent Sky upstairs to have a shower. My parents would likely corner me as soon as they saw or heard me and Sky didn't need to be apart of that. 

Mum came into the hall as Sky disappeared upstairs, arms crossed as she looked at me expectantly, "You ditched dinner, we told you it was important."

"I'm sorry mum, Sky she-"

"Sky? You ditched us for Sky?" She was clearly annoyed, but I was just as annoyed because she cut me off and wouldn't let me explain. 

I raised my voice, something I never did, but I didn't want my parents to think differently of Sky, "Her grandmother died okay? She was in a really bad place. I'm sorry I missed dinner, but of course I was going to see her."

Mum looked like she didn't know what to say for a second, "How is she?"

"Honestly, I don't know. After what her grandmother did to her, it's just hard for her."

"I get that. You're off the hook this time though I don't appreciate you raising your voice at me. Go see her. Let me know if she needs anything."

"Thank you, sorry for raising my voice."

After getting some water from the kitchen, I made my way up to my room. Sky was still in the bathroom so I focused on remaking my bed. I was originally supposed to stay with her tonight so I hadn't bothered remaking it after washing the sheets. Just as I finished putting the bottom sheet on, arms wrapped around my waist while soft lips landed behind my ear. 

"I'm sorry for putting you in that position with your parents."

I turned around in her arms, placing a soft kiss on her lips, "Don't be, I will always be there in a heartbeat regardless of the trouble I might get in." Sky pulled me into a hug, I held her back tightly as she relaxed against me. I was a bit concerned that she wasn't showing much emotion towards her grandmothers death, but I also knew that it was how she normally delt with her emotions. All I could do was be there when she needed me. "Let me finish this and we can cuddle."

"How about making out then cuddles?"


"Ash, I don't mean sex. I just want to forget for a little bit okay? I want to feel something other then numb. You are my peace Ash, you make my worries go away even if it's only for a little bit. I could really use that right now."

My heart sped up slightly at that, knowing that I had that effect on her made me happy, "You better help me with this bed then."

Sky took over making the bed while I went to brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. I turned on the fairy lights around my bed before turning off the main light. Sky was already in bed when I made it back, there was a small smile on her face as she watched me take off my rings and the necklace she had gotten me. 

"You look good in my shirt."

I shrugged, slipping into bed next to her and straddling her waist, "It's mine now."

Sky laughed before connecting our lips in a soft, slow kiss. She didn't try deepen it much or take it any further. It was slow and passionate, full of love. I felt her relax under me as her arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. We made out for probably a good 20 minutes until Sky pulled away with a content sigh, "I love you Ash."

"I love you Sky. I know you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. I just want you to know that I'm only a phone call away anytime okay? Day or night, whenever you need me."

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