Ⅺ. Slut Shame.

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. Slut Shame.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said in somewhat of a loud manner, his parents could well be in the other room, his neighbours could probably hear me yell but I didn't really care.

"You expect me to sleep with you for a wifi password?" I scoff, The boy looked at me like he was still waiting for a yes or no answer, if it wasn't clear already I didn't want to sleep with him.

Maybe if I actually liked him as a person I would be more willing to, but there was no chance in hell you could pay me to do this.

"Nah. I'm leaving." I say and Noah is still yet to speak, I go to leave but he grabs my wrist as I turn, My head whips around and I look at him, more like glare. "Let go of me." I demand but he doesn't in-fact his grip on my wrist tightens, "Noah. Get your hands off me." I order, glaring into his eyes that showed nothing but sinister in.

"No." He answers and clenches my arm tighter creating marks. "You don't have a choice."

Back home I would always somehow end up in the dustup or some kind of situation, and my habit of being too trusting has gotten me into a similar situation once again, fortunately for me I learnt to defend myself.

Kick the groin, poke the eyes, chop the neck to save your life, is what my mother used to always tell me, so that's what I did.

I kicked Noah in the groin and he toppled over in pain, right into my next step. I poked his eyes and he groaned in agony, bringing his hands to his eyes. the ears, nose and neck are a universal weakness no matter the strength of the opponent, Noah tried to stand up and talk to me but only walked right into my fist that collided with his nose.

I think I heard a crunch.

I didn't look back to see the damage that I had done to the Australian I just ran for the door, down the hall way and opted for the stairs rather than the elevator, I had watched way too many movies where the elevator doors don't close in time. I was out of the hotel room but I couldn't celebrate yet as I heard the fire exit stair door slam closed as I was halfway down the stairs.

At this point my fight or flight kicked in, I had never run this fast in my life, I had already done my fighting, now it was time for flight, so the adrenaline that pumped through my blood stream carried me home that day.

Once I was home I still didn't feel save. I haven't since JJ left my bed.

It was late now, I didn't know the time and I haven't for a week, Everyone's phones are dead and the clocks required electricity, It sucks how we don't even know the time and all our food has gone bad while figure 8 is acting like nothing happened, It's like the hurricane didn't even hit them.

I had no idea what the time was, all I knew was that Mason and Dad were asleep, I haven't spoken to either one of them in days, they were just doing their own thing and I was doing mine.

I didn't want to be home right now, I wanted to be safe.

As I walked through the doors of the Château, I felt almost grateful that I wore stacks of bracelets, I'm hoping this will cover the bruise that Noah left on me, I pulled on a strong act and walked in the living room.

Once I walked into the room, heads snapped in my direction, everyones faces wore a confused expressions, expect for JJ, he was just plain mad.

He stood up from the couch and marched over to me, "Where the fuck have you been?" He yelled in my face, after the events of today I was only so close from tears, "Why do you care?" I managed to get out with out bursting into water works.

"I really don't! but why are you hiding it from us?" He shot quickly like he had been rehearsing this argument for half his life, "Because I'm pretty sure I don't owe you anything." I swallow back tears and put on brave facade to hide my private despair.

"I'm not siding with him, But I also would like to know." Kiara butts in, I could tell that her reasoning for wanting to know wasn't the same reasons as JJ's, Kie just wanted to make sure I was safe.

"We went to your house last night and you weren't there." Pope also adds on, "As your friends we just want to know you are safe, we aren't trying to parent you." John B spoke for only himself, Pope and Kie because JJ and I aren't friends.

"So I will give you a chance to tell the truth, Where were you last night?" JJ ignores his friends and went back to screaming at me, "Why do you care?" I ask again, I'm not upset anymore, just frustrated "Just tell me Violet!" JJ yells.

"I was at the beach!" I yell back and waited for JJ to reply, but the whole room falls quiet but it doesn't stay like that for long once JJ starts letting out a quiet humourless laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask him, "Sorry, sorry. I just find it funny because I'm pretty sure I watched you and that dude from the boneyard sneak into a hotel room." He exposes me.

"Were you stalking me or something?" I raise my voice before watching the blond boy rub his tongue over his teeth.

"Did you forget that I work on figure 8?" He answered causing me to remember the conversation we had, He had told me that night he stayed at mine that he was starting a new job in this prissy hotel on figure 8, and out of all the hotels Noah had to be staying at JJ's.

"I still don't see why you care! this is my sex life and it has nothing to do with you!" I bite back, I completely forget about everyone else in this house and focus on fighting with JJ, that feels like all we do, we never really tired to get to know each other.

"Did you have sex with him?" JJ asks in a surprisingly calm tone, but that didn't distract me from the words he just said, "Excuse me?"

"I said; Did you fuck him?" He asks again and I scoff, I almost ask him to repeat himself for the third time as I genuinely cannot believe my ears.

"That's none of your goddam business!" I bark, "JJ, stop it, It's really none of our business." Kie said, trying to intervene but JJ ignored her.

"I don't know why I'm even asking at this point, we all know the answer, of course she fucked him because she's a fucking whore!" JJ abused.

"JJ!" Kiara yelled and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the other room but due to the paper thin walls in this house I could still hear JJ so I just had to stand there while Pope and John B stared at me as we all listened to all the nice things JJ had to say about me.

"what? she shouldn't have been with him! I hear JJ yell at Kie while she defends me, "Ok then, since all of a sudden you're in charge of her, who should she have been with?" Kiara asked him

"Me!" he replied.

Oh, he better be joking.

authors note


i have an internal due on friday and i just started and then i have two internals due on monday and theen i have another due on thursday next week and i havent started half of them, but what am i doing? writing a fan fic....

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