Ⅵ. Motel or Meth Lab.

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. Motel or Meth Lab.

"I thought the Château looked bad." JJ whistled, "This place is a shit-show." John B truthfully points out disregarding JJ's comment about his house, "Motel or meth lab?" Kie chuckled before receiving a reply from Pope "You be the judge."

"Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White would stay." I point out, "No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed." JJ adds to my comment, I wonder if he has started to warm up to me, I watch as he talks into his shoulder like its a walkie-talkie "This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' in for landing."

Right before the HMS pogue makes contact with the bank, the blond jumps off, onto the grass and lets out a "whoo!" before tying the boats rope to a nearby boat bollard, "we good?" John B asks "yeah, we good" JJ replies in the same tone.

"All right. Here goes nothin'." JB says as he gets off the boat, "hey," Pope calls to John B, "Don't let him do anything stupid." He says pointing at JJ who smirks "Me? Do something stupid?" JJ scoffs.

"I'm not making promises." John B replies to Pope who softly huffs out a "yeah, I know" before returning to his seated position.

I watch as Kiara passes John B the motel keys he had found while she stared right at him "Uh, be careful." she tells him with a soft look on her face.

I known Kiara for about two days but I consider her more of a bestfriend that Arabella ever was in all the years we were 'friends', I'm not sure if her flirting with John B is a normal thing but the look on JJ's face says its not.

"I mean it" she added on while she slightly nodded her head to the right.

John B starts to walk back in the blondes direction before turning back to look at Kie and breathing out a soft laugh which earns him a judge-y glare from JJ. 

"lets go" he says has he playfully slaps Maybank's shoulder who stands up and follow him as they walk closer to the junk yard of a 'motel.' 

"What was that about?" I ask what both Pope and I are both thinking after JJ and John walk away, "What was what about?" Kiara plays dumb causing me to raise my brows, letting her know this conversation isn't over. 

After waiting for John B and JJ to investigate the motel room, Pope, Kiara and I continue to play our long game of never have I ever, and It's Pope's turn, "Never have I ever skipped a class" He proudly shows off that he cares about his education, but Kiara rolls her eyes instead of looking impressed and she puts her finger down and so do I,  "Vi, your turn," Kie nudges me with her elbow.

"Never have I ever passed a math class." I show off something that isn't a flex but all I need is for Pope to put more fingers down to win the game, "Okay, that one was aimed" Pope said as he puts his finger down and so does Kiara.

"Okay, Biggest pet peeve?" Pope asks, clearly done with that game "Oh easy! people who chew with their mouth open" I say before pretending a shiver ran down my spine "Thats a good one" Pope agrees with me, "Biggest pet peeve?" Kiara rehashes the question. "Mhm" 

"Giving one percent to the environment." She says, which is extremely valid, "Whats wrong with that?" Pope asks 

"We only have one earth, Pope." Kiara answers "We should be giving it 100 percent, bare minimum" She adds, "Right. That's not fiscally sound." He argues for the sake of it, at this point Pope and Kiara's sibling like bickering has become like white noise to me, instead of adding to the conversation I take the time to look around me, "Neither is destroying the planet we have to live on." Kiara spits.

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