Ⅰ. Blond Idiot.

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. Blond Idiot.

It's been a couple hours since we arrived in Kildare and our new home, I blew up my air mattress that I will sleep on in the mean time until I cough up enough to buy a new one, we had to leave all the big stuff back home because it wouldn't fit. I spent the rest of my time moving my stuff into the room I had claimed, It was a floor boarded room, with white walls and white flowy floor to ceiling curtains that blew in the wind of the open window nook which had small book shelves built into the side of.

"Hey, Violet?" I heard my dad say from my new door frame. "hmm?" I hum as i take out one of my head phones. My dad looked tired and sweaty from moving all the boxes and suitcases from the car. i love my dad more than anything. one of the strongest people i know, i would do anything for him.

"i was wondering if you could go and pick up some takeout for dinner?" he asks me

"i heard there is restaurant nearby. maybe you could bike up and pick something up for us?" he continued "of course just text me the details" I reply to the man before he nods and turns around to continue unpacking

I tie the laces to my beat up converse and took my phone off charge and continued to walk outside towards the car, I untied my red bike that was tied to the bike rack with jumper cables don't ask me how my bike didn't fall off.

I chucked my faded red backpack in the basket and typed the address my dad had sent me into google maps and pulled out of the gravel driveway, following the directions the app was telling me through my headphones.

i'm saving up for my own car. been saving for a couple years actually. it's hard to save money when you keep spending it on weed and alcohol.

After the bike ride I arrive outside the restaurant that my dad directed me to, The Wreck.

Music could be heard from my position outside as well as laughter from people inside, I join them once I cross the threshold of the restaurant.

The girl working at the front handed the lady on the other side of the counter her change along with her meal, before something is thrown and hits her in the head.

The girl was tan with brown curly hair with yarn woven into a few strands.

She turns to look at the group of boys sat in a nearby booth, the boys pretended they had been in a conversation the whole time ."Own up" the girl said with a deadpan look on her face.

"Who threw the chip at me?" she asks the group "Wasn't me" the brunette said with his hands up in defence

"then who was it john b?" the girl asked the boy who just shrugged in response. She moved her gaze to look at the blond who shifted in his chair awkwardly "JJ?" she questioned him. "yes?" he replied back, Making the brunette roll her eyes.

The tan girl then shifted her eyes to look at the boy with his nose in a book "It was JJ. " he said before anyone could ask anything else.

The blond boy looked back at his friend with his jaw on the floor with betrayal, "Dude! where is the loyalty?" he spoke to his friend who placed a book mark in the page and closed the book. "The loyalty is there but I'm not taking the blame for you." the dark haired boy replied.
"Ouch Pope, I would take the blame for you, even if it meant I get yelled at by Kiara." Blondie shot back the two continue to bicker, it was obvious they were only teasing each other.

The girl walks away and see's me waiting to be served. "Hi, Sorry about that. can I help you?" She ask me, "Don't even worry about it" I reply before placing my order.

She wrote down my order on a small pad of paper before handing it to the kitchen. I feel eyes on my like I have a target on my back, I turn to my right towards the booth where the girls friends were sat to see the blond boy staring at me. The other two were in their own world while their blond friend stared at my like there was something on my face, it was more of a glare than a stare.

Even after what feels like eternity of eye contact he still doesn't turn away, so I do, Excepting defeat I roll my eyes .

"Don't mind JJ, He's an Idiot" the girl told me after watching the interaction, I breath out a laugh. "So you new around here?" she asked trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah, just moved here" I told her.

"I'm Kiara, Nice to meet you." She said, reaching out her hand with a beaming smile, I take her hand and shake it "Nice to meet you too, I'm Violet."

"so i'm assuming you don't know about the kegger at the boneyard next weekend?" Kie continue to talk to me. "boneyard? is that a graveyard or something" I asked

"don't worry there aren't any real bones, It's just a bit of the beach covered in washed up wood" Kiara said in attempt to comfort me. "here give me your number, i'll text you the details" Kiara told me, reaching for her phone from her apron pocket and handed it to me, I smile and fill in my number into her phone "I'll see you around Kiara, thank you!" I say before taking the Paper bag of food from the the counter and left out the door I came in from.

I bring the food home and eat it with my family. Once I check my phone I see text from Kiara, 'I'm bored asf, wanna hang out?' the text said, and here I was thinking It was going to be hard making new friends.

'Fuck yeah.' I type back, excited that I made a friend so quickly and easily.

It was now dark but that never stopped me before.

'Yayyyyy! meet me at The Wreck, I'm just closing up now.' Kiara quickly replies.

authors note.

i thoroughly dislike this chapter

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