Ⅹ. Summer Fling.

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. Summer Fling.

"Look i'm calling it off ok?" John B reveals as I strum on my ukulele and Kie taps softly on a pair of bongos, JJ begins to pace back and forward after hearing John B's words

"Peterkin's said; if I stay out of the marsh, she will help me with DCS" John B spoke again,

"What, and you believed her?" the blond pogue spoke, we haven't spoken to since last night, so I have no clue what JJ we are speaking to right now "Yes, I believe her, JJ." John defends Sheriff Peterkin's

"An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop." JJ speaks out, "I agree with JJ, fuck the police" I say continuing to strum the small guitar painted a sea blue.

"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun." John B snaps, "You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass." JJ says, so thats what JJ we are talking to, I know JJ wouldn't have let that happen, the boy said he would die for his best friend, go to prison for him, kill for him.

"Topper was gonna drown me?" JB scoffed "sure looked like it" I mutter with a shake of my head.

"Kooks always win don't they?" JJ rhetorically asks "they don't want us to go down into the marsh, that means there's some thing valuable down there, and you know it... And I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk. And you..." JJ turns to Pope and then to Kie "I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?" JJ's gaze shifts to me "and then you.. fuck I don't even know what you're doing here, you aren't a Pogue." he raises his hands up to his head,

His comments make me snap "Oh, Now you choose to be a cunt?" I bite back at him standing up from next to Kiara and walking over to him, Causing us to be face to face, eye to eye, we are so close I'm sure he can feel the heat radiating off my skin and onto his face.

"And what about it?" JJ tears into me before rolling his tongue over his teeth.

"Yeah, Thats funny." I say before speaking again, "I'll remember this. Don't come crawling through my window next time you have nowhere to stay for the night." I spit and turn to pick up my faded red tote back and walk away. "Where the fuck are you going?" he yells at my back.

"Thought you didn't want me here" I bite back without turning around, he can watch my back as I leave, and I meant what I said, I'm done letting people take from me and then treat me like shit.

As much as I didn't care what JJ thought or said about me, It was a little upsetting that he is the only way I was able to sleep last night, and he hates me, and there is nothing I can do about it, 

Because I hate him too.

I hate the way his hair covers his eyes, I hate the rings that decorate his fingers, I hate the way he chews with his mouth open, I hate how he treats me, I hate the way he covers his teeth with his tongue when he's mad, I hate how he rubs his chest when anxious, and I hate the way I lie to myself about having any hate for this boy.

It confuses me how when nobody is around he treats me nicely but as soon as Kie, Pope and John B are in the room, I'm his arch nemesis. If he claims it's hard to pretend to hate me then why does he make such a convincing performance.

I walk through my front door, My Dad has taken Mason on a fishing trip so It's just me at home today, I have this house to myself all day, and no friends to share it with.

I decide to use this free time to explore this new island I am now supposed to call home, I take my bag and begin riding my bike through the cut and over the bridge to figure 8.

I see a few of the pogues friends while they are working so I stopped to say hi.

As I was walking past the wreck I hear my name called, but it wasn't Kiara, it was a male voice, I turn around and I take in the view of a particular Australian boy that I had met the previous night, "Hi Noah." I greet him bluntly, I wasn't about to waste my time on holding a grudge on some rando i'll never see again but I also wasn't too impressed with the fact that he cheered on the fight at the boneyard.

"Hey! how are you?" he asked, I shrugged "Yeah, I'm alright" empty words leave my mouth, they weren't lies, but they weren't the truth either, I didn't know what I was feeling, I was just kinda there.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Noah suggests, "Sure, I have nothing better to do" I reply, I didn't mean to come off that rude, it just sort of happened.

"Sweet, I'll grab my board and we can go surfing, yeah?" he says pointing finger guns at me, I nod and go to turn around, "I'll see you at the beach in 20, You know where the beach is right?" I say and turn back around.

"Well. no, but Google maps does," He gleams, this confuses me as I was sure the power had gone out last week, "You have power?" I ask him, "you don't?" he replies.

"No, the storm wiped it out" I inform him, this creates a confused expression to appear on his face "Oh, well the hotels has generators."

"that's some kook shit" JJ's voice plays over in my head, he's right though, Kooks are annoying as shit.

I have to fight the urge to change the plans and to invite myself over to his hotel just for a chance to connect to wifi again, but he looked so excited about going surfing so I just had to hope he would invite me over later.

 "Oh Um, Okay. So i'll meet you at the beach?" I confirm a second time, Noah nods and I take the chance to move first so I can go home and get ready. 

I pack my bag with a spare change of clothes, sun protectant, surf wax, my hairbrush and other random shit including the crumbs that live at the bottom of my bag, I grabbed my surfboard with hibiscus flower stickers stuck on it, as well as a two piece bikini, before heading for the beach.

I knew I wasn't the best surfer out there but I definitely was not the worst, I decided to use this opportunity to get tips from another surfer, as well as getting closer with the opposite gender.

 Once Noah and I met the sun was starting to set creating pretty blends of colours in the sky, I kept falling into the water because I kept getting distracted by it and zoning out, causing Noah to laugh.

At this point I don't know If I like him or can't stand him, He could be breathing and that would piss me off, just his spirit angers me, but then he will say something, laugh a certain way or even look at me and my stomach would erupt with butterflies.. Or that could just be my upchuck reflex, At least with JJ I knew that I didn't like him and that was just a fact. 

Noah spat his two cents into my ears every chance he got like I was a baby learning how to walk, but in reality I was at least a toddler. 

I continued to try tuning the Australians voice out and to keep teaching myself to put trust into the sport, as I was learning and teaching myself I finally had time to lock myself in my own head to think, Noah was an attractive guy, I'll give him that but God was he annoying, but I persevered through in hope that I would be rewarded with a wifi full hotel trip, and I was not disappointed. 

Once we made it to figure 8 and to Noah's temporary home for the next little bit I immediately asked for the wifi password, but it wasn't that easy, good things never are.

"You've got to earn it." He said with a smirk below the small amount of stubble on his top lip he managed to grow. 

"What, You want me to polish your shoes? scrub the tiles with a toothbrush?" I ask with a deadpan across my face, I was so drained from just being around this boy that I couldn't be bothered arguing. 

"Mmm, No." He replied, His smirk never faltering, I put two and two together, "You want to hookup." I say flatly in a monotone voice, I wasn't asking to, I was pointing out what he had indirectly told me. 

The things I do for shit like this. 

authors note

lol......... im legit so smart wait till chapter 11 mwahahahahhahahhahhahahahhah.    

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