Ⅳ. Agatha.

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. Agatha.

Last night hurricane Agatha hit Kildare, and she hit like a bitch. I discovered in the morning that the power was out, "Perfect, thank you." I mutter out loud.

I picked my phone off charge which wasn't charging thanks to Agatha, "No service?"

I got out of bed and proceeded to go check the damage that the storm brought on me, I'm alive. That's a good thing... I think.

Unfortunately for our backyard it was not so alive, the large oak tree we were going to build into a tree house for Mason had been unrooted and lay on top of the squashed rusted tool shed, there was loose dirt and soil everywhere due to the de-rooting of the tree, all the cardboard boxes that used to hold belongs were sad, soggy and outside, and Dad's gumboots are filled with rainwater.

I pack my belongings for the day into my red backpack that has faded from the sun and I leave home to go on to investigate how much damage Agatha had left us which was a lot.

Families were gathered, some with trash bags and some scooping rubbish out of the water, "We're going to be cleaning this all summer." I hear a familiar voice say loudly, curious on who said that I turn around to see John B and JJ in their small boat with 'HMS Pogue' painted messily on the side of the boat.

"Hi Ms Amy! You guys get through it?" John b yelled over to a lady on the dock who I can only assume is Ms Amy "Still here" She replied gratefully looking at John B.

"Dude look at this place" John B said loudly

And John B was right, there was trash in the water, fallen trees and even a couple sunken boats

"Agatha what did you do?" JJ sarcastically said just as loud, allowing me to hear most of there conversation from all the way on the dock

"She's a crrazzyyy lady." John B replied in an exaggerated way.

I walk over to a small dock and start to pick rubbish out of the water, the sound of water hitting concrete fills my ears before a voice speaks to me, "Violet?" A voice says, causing me to turn around, "Hi Pope." I reply once I see him.

"What are you doing?" He asks me, looking at me strangely like I'm walking on my hands.

"Picking up trash?" I say as if it wasn't obvious, "Oh, okay." he smiles at me and continues to wash the dock and I continue to pick rubbish out the water.

In my peripheral vision I watch as the HMS Pogue approaches the dock

"Now look who we have here" the brunette said in a weird voice which made him sound like he had a bubble stuck in his throat, I look up to see John B smiling at Pope and JJ glaring at me as usual which I just ignore

"We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory" John B continued talking into his shoulder like he was talking into a walkie talkie.

"I can't. My pops got me on lockdown" Pope, who was stood on the dock said as a man I could only assume was his father, Mr Heyward, walked closer.

"Come on, man" JJ Said, tearing his eyes from me, obviously deciding that he's going to ignore me, JJ attempts a terrible impression to sound like he was on a radio; "your dads a pussy, over." He teased. "Oh I heard that, you little bastard," Heyward yelled at him.

"We need your son" John B pleaded, "yeah, and island rules, day after a hurricanes a free day" JJ makes up on the spot which unlucky for the blond, Heyward sees right through his lie "Who Made that up?" He asked

"uh... pentagon i think. we have security clearance, i have a card" JJ said, sounding like he's rambling. "think i'm stupid?" he accused JJ.

Pope turned to his father as they started arguing over when he was going to help clean up.

"get in the boat"
"make a run for it" John B and JJ's words overlapped.

I walk towards the man not sure what I was planning on saying to him, "Excuse me, Mr Heyward is it?" I ask the man, As soon as his dad turns his back to him, Pope makes a run for it towards the boat, to keep Heyward occupied I continue the conversation with small talk.

"We'll pick you up at The Wreck, Vi" John B yelled to me as they pulled away from the dock, Once John B speaks to me, it draws Heyward's attention back.

"You better bring your ass back here" He demanded but John B starts to speed up and drive away.

"I promise I'll do it tomorrow, Dad," the golden boy promised his father.

Heyward started listing all the things Pope was going to have to clean when he gets home

"And I don't like your friends" he ended off before turning around to face me, now I'm wondering why I didn't run while he wasn't looking, "I have no clue who they are." I simile a toothy grin before getting out of there and heading for The Wreck to meet with Kiara.

Once I walk into The Wreck I see Kiara taking her apron off and handing it to a man before picking a small chilly bin off the table, "Violet! hey, I was just leaving what are you doing here?" Kiara asked me with a smile on her face, "John B said to meet you here so they could pick us up." I answered awkwardly, knowing JJ's probably yelling at John B for even inviting me.

"Oh thank God! finally getting a break from all the testosterone." She gleams as we walk together down the ramp as the HMS Pogue approaches the pier "Talking shit, Kie?" John B asked, "You know it" She winks at him, stepping onto the boat and signals for me to follow her so I do.

authors note

slay slay slay, I am so high right now


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