Prologue - Pilot.

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0. Pilot.

"i'm going to miss you so much" I heard my best friend say into my shoulder. "i'll miss you too" I spoke back to her.

Arabella Maxwell. My 'best friend' since the fourth grade, the girl who saved me from eating my lunch in the school bathrooms, the girl who everyone wanted to be friends with, and the girl who wants to be an actress when she's older.

I say 'best friend' because Arabella is a bitch. there is no sugar coating it, she is the type of person to post about body positivity and anti-bullying but then will call you fat behind your back.

My Dad, Dante Marcus used to work for her family business so it only made sense that we were friends.

I looked up from the ground to take one last look at Bella. This move is the biggest thing in my life at the moment. I'm moving to a whole new place where I know nobody, which means a clean slate which is exactly what I need.

In a few minutes i'll be in the back seat of my Dads car on our way to Kildare and for the last fleeting moments that I stand in this town, I have to pretend I'm not glad I'm moving.

"Why do you have to go?" Arabella sniffled "Trust me, I don't want to go either." I defended, which obviously wasn't true, I believe this is the best thing that has happened to me in a while, and you probably would too if you were me.

After a long pause of silence bella spoke "I guess i'll see you when I see you" she saluted, I smile, and wrap my arms around her again just to make my act even more believable than it already was, I should become an actress

Two beeps were heard from my Dad's small car, I turn to look at my father who was sat in the drivers seat wearing an impatient look on his face.

"Yep, i'm comin'" I yell and turn to face Arabella, "Goodbye." I say and leave her property for good.

We pulled into a gas station after my younger brother Mason, complained about needing the bathroom for what seemed like the hundredth time.

I felt a sharp jab on the side of my arm at first i ignored it, i was to focused on finding out which Jonas brother i was most compatible with according to this teen drama magazine i had stolen, i was kevin jonas's soul mate.

which one was he again?

My brother kept jabbing my arm with the same finger he probably uses to pick his nose. I know He's not going to stop even if I ask nicely so I just step out of the car and walk to the store.

"Hi do you do iced coffee?" I asked the lady who looked like she would rather be anywhere but where she is "yep." she bitterly said. I'm used to bitter people, I also know how it's like to work in customer service, You'd be surprised how dumb people can really be.

"cool" I told her in a soft voice. "could i get a iced coffee with oat milk please?" i requested

"we don't got oat milk hun" the lady scoffed while she adjusted the bangles on her wrist and aggressively chewed her gum which made me nauseous "no oat milk?" I repeated.

"that's what I said" she said after the bubble she blew from her gum popped. "right then just regular milk please" the lady turned around and started pouring coffee into a tall clear plastic cup

I look out the window at my little brother feeling guilty for leaving him alone in the car while my dad pumps gas into the car, careful not to go over $30.
Mason was only 8 after all . all my attentions was drawn back to the lady at the counter as she placed the coffee she had poured.

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