Chapter 58

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Hearing about how Ravi's sister suffered at the hands of her boyfriend angered Bandu.

"That was a terrible inhuman thing to do. Then what did you do?"

"I decided to contact Miss Sakhi to warn her of the impending danger and wanted to find out if she knew anything about Pooja's boyfriend, but I was too late there also. She, too, met the same fate as my sister. Both of them were in the same ICU, near each other," he gritted his teeth.

Their conversation was interrupted by the nurse who came to check his parameter and give him his medicine. She left after reminding Mr. Rajput that he had overstayed his visit. Mr. Rajput gave her a weak smile and apologized, promising to leave soon.

"Why were you keeping a watch on me then?" Bandu asked as soon as the nurse was out of earshot.

"I came to know that Miss Sakhi's research papers were stolen and was solemnly disappointed at the thought that the papers had fallen into the wrong hands. But then it was a relief to learn that those hands were that of Rana. But someone had reached him before me. I was truly baffled when the police found him murdered in front of your shop. For me, you were a natural suspect since your shop was the perfect spot for a crime to take place, lonely for miles on both sides, and so I decided to keep an eye on you. But as events progressed after that, there was enough evidence for me of your innocence. Like everyone else, the missing papers were a mystery for me. Everyone suspected you of hiding the papers. But, I believed that one day the culprit would walk in here into the trap. He would have to come and recover the hidden papers. That is why I frequented your shop," Bandu heard him out with rapt attention.

"Now that I have found him, I am going to file a formal complaint against him for the attempt to murder my sister Pooja,"

"I will pray for your sister's speedy recovery,"

"Bandu, where are the stolen papers?"

"What! How..., how can you ask me that after everything that happened?" Bandu cried out in bewilderment, eliciting a soundless laugh from Mr. Rajput at his reaction. Bandu shook his head at being caught off guard and laughed at himself.

"Ok, Bandu, better leave before the nurse throws me out. Take care, and I wish you a speedy recovery," Mr. Rajput said before walking out, leaving Bandu to his thoughts once again.

Bandu was home after a week, and he was happy to be back amongst his family and friends. His hand was still on a sling, and the pain had become bearable with the medications. Those also were discarded after a few more weeks as the wound healed completely. Although he occasionally experienced pain when he burdened his right hand, other than his routine work.

He had opened his shop, where he was the happiest. He extended his menu to breakfast and lunch with the help of his mother and Sukhi. It was Partho who had enlightened them of Bandu's plans to expand his menu. The ladies were much excited to make this dream come true. Although the menu was not vast, the customers were happy with the taste of the items available.

With the culprit behind bars, life seemed to move on at a steady pace. But still, not knowing Balwant's whereabouts ate at his conscience. This especially when he came to know the degradable condition in which the police found him. Sukhi had the right to know about her husband, but he wanted to spare her and the kids the stigma. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing, so he was eager to know about his condition and then expose the fact to his sister. But how was he to find out about Balwant without raising doubts?

After some days, an opportunity presented itself in the form of Samar. Comm. Seth had sent him to update Bandu about the case.

"Hello Bandu, how are you? Sorry that I could not come to meet you at the hospital. I was busy with the case," Samar explained as he sipped his tea.

"I am fine now, Samar. Yes, I understand you are busy. But tell me, Samar, how did you trace me to the kidnappers so soon since they shrewdly got me out of the bus before I reached the destined spot?"

"You remember the jacket I gave you to wear instead of your own," he asked, and when Bandu shook his head in affirmation, "That jacket had a small tracker stitched into it. We followed you in our vehicle using the tracker, which showed us the route on our computer. The rough downhill road slowed us." Bandu's mouth drew an OH at that.

"Did you catch all the culprits?" Bandu asked.

"Yes, we caught every one of them. We searched every room, and we managed to nab Balwant,"

"Balwant! Yes, Comm. Seth had mentioned it. He had not shown up when I was there, so I wondered...," he let his words trail.

"Balwant was in a very sorry state, nearly dying with illness. He was stinking and was holed up in a cupboard in one of the rooms and had no strength to move. We had to bring in a stretcher and take him in an ambulance,"

"Really? They had kept him alive?"

"Yes, he was moved to a hospital immediately, and it was there that they confirmed his disease as TB,"

"TB!...oh my god. Where is he now?"

"They have shifted him to another hospital since there is no treatment available for TB in Bali or Goriyon," he said and paused to sip from the glass.

"How is he now?" Bandu asked impatiently.

"Don't know? I haven't received any news about him recently. He is still under police custody," he replied.

Bandu did not want to sound too curious, so quit asking any more questions about Balwant.

"What happened to the kidnappers?" Bandu asked.

"The leader and his cronies are in custody now. The devil gave his name Tanmay Boran and has stated that he was acting on his own will, but we still have to investigate his claims. The ruthless character is no doubt with a criminal background," Samar expressed his repulsion in his tone.

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