Chapter 27

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The customer had his finger pointed to the roof and laughing away. He walked back a few steps to get a better view at the top and was at once relieved to see Nand sitting there.

"How in the world did you get up there, you monkey? Climb down at once," yelled Bandu.

Nand refused to come down and gestured that Bandu would spank him if he came down. Bandu cooled down and assured him that he would not punish him. The boy came down with his eyes down in fear. When Bandu did not speak, he looked up at him. Bandu lifted his hand, at which Nand cowered and brought both his hands to cover his face.

But was surprised and uncovered his face when he felt a hand ruffle his hair instead. He looked at Bandu, who was smiling at him. Bandu then got to work, and Nand followed him happily.

(This boy has taken a beating before, his fear and actions tell me that at least) Bandu thought sadly. (I have to go to Guntak soon to find answers)

On the road, they observed a grey car with dark glasses parked by the side. It was almost invisible at night. Bandu thought maybe the driver went to relieve himself nearby and did not give the matter much thought.

Before they turn off the main road, Nand rings the bell for Bandu to stop the cycle. Nand indicated towards his feet that were devoid of their footwear and hopped down. He ran back a few meters on the way they came to fetch his slippers that had slid off his feet.

Seated on the cycle, Bandu watched the boy, and as his eyes strayed beyond, he saw a strange sight and was baffled. Some distance away, the grey car he sighted near his shop stood in the dark. He had no doubts that danger had followed him.

As soon as Nand got back, he peddled ahead at full speed, occasionally glancing behind to see the car still at his tail.

All tensed, he dismounted near the narrow lane towards his house. Nand trotted away ahead of Bandu with the ball in his hand. A faint light from a window illuminated the mouth of the narrow lane. He did not want to frighten the boy, so he paced up his steps instead of trotting.

Suddenly Bandu picked up footsteps behind him. His heart raced, they were behind him, and his free hand moved to retrieve the knife from the jacket pocket.

He cried out to Nand as he whirled around at the sound of fast-approaching footsteps, now only at a staggering distance of fifty meters. He looked ahead at Nand, who was rock still with wide eyes.

"Run Nand! Run," he screamed at the boy to wake him out of the shock, "bang on the doors and bring back everyone. NOW! RUNNNN..!" Nand, who came out of his stupor, ran.

With the four assailants almost upon him, he picked up the cycle and threw it at the approaching party, blocking their way in his defense, and turned away to put as much distance between them. They stumbled momentarily but regained their balance. One of them managed to grab Bandu's legs, bringing him down. Bandu kicked his legs free and rolled over to his back, holding a bare dagger in one hand. Another assailant was upon him with a blanket, but a kick to his thighs had him lose his balance and fall on Bandu with the blanket.

The force of the fall pumps out the air in his lungs while his ear deafens with the assailant's scream. After a momentary slack, he struggled to free his hand, holding the knife wedged between him and the assailant. When it did not budge, he attempted to lift the heavyweight with his free hand. Soon he felt the earth thud with footsteps, and the air fills with his name, indicating that help had arrived.

Suddenly his chest felt light, followed by another heart-wrenching scream. He used his free hands to uncover himself, only to glimpse the fleeing assailants already disappearing around the corner.

He sat upright, breathing heavily. Partho was the first one to reach him and squatted down. His strong hands held Bandu by his shoulders and steadied him.

"Bandu, are you alright. Your hands, they are soaked in blood, were you hurt?" Partho asked anxiously.

His fingers on the dagger feel wet and sticky with warm liquid.

Unaware and confused by the question, he followed Partho's line of vision to his blood-soaked hands. Alarmed, he released his grip on the knife, horrified at the blood-soaked scene before him.

The villagers had gathered by then, but Bandu was still oblivious. Partho shook him out, wanting the answer to his question. Clearing his head, he now understood Partho's anxiety.

"Partho, I do feel alright. But the blood, they are not mine," he said and stood on his feet shakily with a hand of support from his friend. He is surrounded by 10 to 15 of his neighbors equipped with bamboo sticks.

"What did they want from you?" Raman asked.

"I am wondering about the same, Raman bhaiya," he said, feeling a shiver pass through him as he looked at his blood-soaked hand.

"Ok, let us all return home now. We will be ready if the hooligans return," Partho said.

Other than scratches on his face, hands, and knees, he felt no pain anywhere. Still shuddering inside, he reached home at a slow gait with everyone following him. He sat on the veranda. Someone handed him a glass of water to drink, which appeased his dry throat.

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