Chapter 22

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"Who...who is he...Nand?" Bandu asked anyways and thus confirming his fears with the boy's reply, and he hugged him. He lowered the boy down and walked him back to the bench. To the questions in his mind, he was getting murkier answers which his heart was unable to reconcile with, then how was he going to answer the boy's questions that were waiting to shoot out his mouth.

"What's the matter?" he asked him.

Another series of gestures, "Where is he? You want to find him,"

"I don't know where he is, Nand. We will find out. Until then, you should not tell anyone. Do you understand?" Bandu told him but got a confused look back.

The police would take immediate custody of the boy if they came to know who his father was and that I cannot allow because I have to unravel the truth of his birth, Bandu's thoughts moved in altogether another direction now.

Suddenly there is silence in the room, and he saw the reason for it walk into the room, straight into his cabin. Bandu seated himself, and Nand on the bench waited for their turn. After 10 minutes, the constable asked Bandu to go inside.

"Namaste, sir," Bandu greeted with folded hands, "this is Nand," he introduces the boy, who stood beside him with folded hands.

"Namaste Bandu, Nand. Do sit down, both of you," He returned the greetings.

"So, why did you want to see me, Bandu?" coming to the point.

Bandu held out the crumpled note to inspector Sarathi, who took it from him and read it.

"How did you get it?" he asked.

"Someone threw it on my shop's window shutter from a moving bus. Didn't realize what happened until I tripped over the paper ball," Bandu answered.

"It seems like a warning. Were you contacted in any way after you received this note?"

"No, no one has contacted me."

"The message indicates towards the missing papers and someone wants it."

"Yes, I presumed so. Is there any news regarding Balwant?" Bandu asked

"Nothing as yet, I am afraid. Balwant is hiding and not moving. He was ill in prison and was under treatment when he escaped, so his treatment remained incomplete," Inspector Sarathi informed him, " Since the special team has taken over the case, I am sure that the case will conclude soon. You must report this incident immediately to inspector Seth. You can take the address from the constable outside."

"What about Balwant's family, sir? Where are they? He must surely have gone to see them?" Bandu asked.

"His family, in Guntak, is being watched, and if he shows up, they will arrest him." disclosed inspector Sarathi.

"Guntak, that's a village five kilometers from Bali."

"Yes, it is."

"What about Rana's family? Will Balwant try to contact them for shelter?"

"He too lives somewhere nearby. We are keeping a watch there too. Why all these questions, Bandu? Did you stumble upon something?"

" A thought about the plight of both families in general." Bandu was quick to reply.

"Yes, Bandu, it is indeed very sad about these families. Ah, I remember now, Miss Sakhi had asked to see you once again. I was there to introduce commissioner Thushaar Seth to her. She was making a speedy recovery since her uncle and aunt arrived a few days ago. She recognized them, and the doctors say that it is a positive indication of her recovery,"

"I will go and meet her sometime soon, sir. Did she say anything about the case, sir?" Bandu asked, hoping for a positive reply.

"No, we have not yet recorded her statement because the doctors have advised against it so soon. She is physically and mentally weak even now. To recall what happened to her might distress her, so we are waiting for the doctors' green signal" Inspector Sarathi's reply disappointed Bandu.

"I'll take my leave now sir, thank you for your time," said Bandu and stood up.

"And Bandu, go meet commissioner Seth, as he needs to know about that paper and be careful they might target you again. Someone is looking for the papers,"

"Yes, sir."

Both of them leave the station, unusually quietened by the burden of revelations and questions. Both lost in their thoughts did not break into each other's silence. Bandu knew that he had made a mistake by bringing Nand to the police station. He did not tell inspector Sarathi about Nand. He did not want anyone to take Nand away from him until he solved the mystery of the birthmark on Nand's feet. He could find his answers only with Nand's family, and he had to find them himself.

He decided not to go to meet commissioner Seth that day, as Nand was with him. He did not want to shame the boy further by revealing his father's criminal ways. At that young age, he understood a lot. Bandu had to assure him to help him find his father, or else he might run away to do the task himself.

They reach home after having lunch at a hotel. Nand went to Partho's house to play with the baby, and Bandu unlocked the door and entered the house. Soon Partho came in to talk with him.

"What did the doctor say about Nand?"

"Doctor advised some blood tests to be done and show him the report. After examining Nand, he said, the boy looked well and told to continue the medicines until the prescribed course was complete,"

"Will you go to the shop today?"

"Yes, after an hour or so. Where is Nand?"

"He is playing with the baby. What happened to him? He seemed so sad and lost?"

"The needle prick must still be hurting him, and he cried a lot too," Bandu made an excuse, not wanting to reveal what he found out today at the police station.

"Another physician has come in place of doctor Sanga. Don't know his name though just received the news today when I came home." Partho informs Bandu and leaves.

Bandu stretched himself on the bed and soon dozed off. Sometime later, a tickle on his sole woke him up, and open his eyes to scan over to his feet. He saw the moment he feared, where Nand was watching his left foot with a frown on his face. He knew the question the boy had on his mind, but he had no answer because he did not know the answer.

Nand noticed Bandu awake and gestured, asking him the question. What is this mark?

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