Chapter 51

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Stunned Bandu's heart sank, and he did not move to obey.

"Come on, get in. We don't have much time." the old man ordered, advancing at him menacingly. Bandu took a step back.

"But this is not Kala chowk. You deceived me," Bandu accused him.

"Yes, I know, just a change of plan. Now stop arguing and get in before I drag you into it," the old man warned him, resonating a similar statement made by Comm. Seth to comply with the kidnappers.

Bandu gritted his teeth and moved into the back seat of the car. There was a man already seated who had his face covered except for the eyes. Bandu got in beside him. Two persons, including the driver, sat ahead. The aged man got in after him. All had their faces covered except the man in disguise. The car then made a U-turn, and they went back the way they came.Bandu was now doubtful how the police could trace him with this sudden change of plan. He should have been more alert and not got out of the bus and scolded himself for being fooled like a child. Guilt rode on his conscience that the whole mission had failed because of his carelessness. It now also endangered both his and Miss Sakhi's life.

He sat cramped brooding when he thought about his mother. He wouldn't kneel before his enemy without a fight. It was the end of his running days now. It was time to face the enemy head-on, whoever it was. A renewed determination infused inside his mind. He resolved to play this game as it rolled out in front of him. He prayed to God to help him and give him strength.

Suddenly they were blindfolding him, which he did not resist. Then as an extra precaution, they tied his hands behind his back.

"When there is no resistance on my part, why are my hands being tied up?" Bandu protested.

"Just keep your mouth shut, or else we tape that up too," warned the old man. After that, Bandu did not utter a word but kept fidgeting with his hands. He was trying to ease the tightness of the rope on his wrists which were hurting him. But soon, a hand stalls his attempts, and he abandons that attempt. He had no sense of time now or how long they traveled. There were sudden jerks, and he began to sway sideways before he started slipping forwards towards the edge of the seat. Suddenly the ride was smooth once again, and soon the car stopped. The engine went dead. He heard the door to his left open and felt the seat beside him empty. The air outside smelt rancid, and he felt sick. He was then nudged at his arm, indicating that he should get down.

"Mind your head," The old man said.

Bandu ducked his head and stepped out. Hands grip both his arms on either side while being marched forward. A whiff of smoke and culinary aromas tickled his nostrils. He realized that it was a kind of cooking area with the sudden warmth he felt and heard the tackling of utensils as he walked. Then all that noise and aroma was blocked out when a door closed behind him. The air was stale at the new place, and he felt cold. A voice boomed from somewhere.

"Tie him to the chair, besides her,"

"Ok, shall I remove the blindfold?" the old man's voice asked.

"No, not now, give him water to drink," the voice ordered.

The men who escorted him pushed Bandu into a chair and loosened his hand only to tie it again to the chair. Muscles in his arms relaxed a bit. Footsteps moved around and stopped, followed by the door opening and closing. Someone thrust a cold metal against his lips. They forced open his mouth and poured in the water, which he gulped down. Bandu realized how thirsty he was.

"Want some more?" the old man asked.


There were some whispers, and then there was a movement of footsteps before the door opened and banged shut.

Bandu's shoulders drooped, and he hung his head down as that was the only part of the body he could move as the rest of the body was tied down to the chair. He tried to shake himself, but nothing happened.

"Stop shaking yourself like that. It's of no use," a soft feminine voice demanded, and Bandu stiffened. It sounded close to him. No way, he thought, it couldn't be miss Sakhi.

"Oh! I was trying to get comfortable, nothing else. I thought everyone had left the room," Bandu said, trying to sound casual.

"How did you happen to end up in this place?"

"Oh...I let myself be 'kidnapped,"

"That was a brilliant joke. But I am in no mood for it. I asked you a serious question," The voice snapped.

"Well, madam, that was not a...joke at all."

"" the voice now turned sarcastic.

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