Chapter 31

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"Hello Bandu, tea please." called out inspector Sarathi and seated himself exhaustedly on the bench.

"Yes, sir."

As Samar approached with tea, inspector Sarathi eyed him suspiciously and then calmly stated the obvious, "So they have arranged for someone to be with you, Bandu,"

"What is your name, constable?" he asked, addressing Samar.

"Sundar Lal, sir."

To which inspector Sarathi merely nodded his head and concentrated on his tea.

"Was there an accident, sir? Saw a dead body laid near the car while on my way here." Bandu asked.

"No...Not an accident, but murder. The victim had his throat slit and kept in the car. Somebody informed us during the night. When the night patrol vehicle went to investigate, they found the body."

"Who was it?"

"Don't know that as yet. The men are still working to identify the dead person, " he replied, "Did you visit Miss Sakhi, Bandu?"

"I am extremely sorry, sir, that I could not go, but I have made plans to go and visit her in a day or two," Bandu said apologetically.

"Ok, Bandu, better be on my way, have a lot of work," said inspector Sarathi, placing money on the table for the tea and rode away.

Samar collected the money and placed it in the drawer.

"Isn't Miss Sakhi the main witness in the Bali murder case? Why does she want to see you?" asked a curious Samar.

"Oh, I had saved her life from the fire at the hospital. Maybe she wants to thank me personally. I thought of going to Bali for the same purpose, tomorrow, with Nand. Hope you don't mind staying at home alone," Bandu asked in hopes that Samar would consent, according to his plans.

"I am to accompany you where ever you are headed," he reminded Bandu.

"Well...I just thought you could have some free time," Bandu came up with an excuse hoping to hit the target.

"I have to inform Comm. Seth about this new plan. He will decide what to do," he put forth, disappointing Bandu. Samar was right. The decision was not his to make. Bandu was on his toes all the time thinking about it.

Later that day, Samar spoke to Comm. Seth and informed Bandu about it.

"Comm. Seth has agreed for you to go to Bali without me to visit Miss Sakhi," Samar informed, bringing relief to Bandu, " But I too will accompany you to Bali to visit my family there since I got the opportunity, " added Samar.

Bandu was not a doubting sort of a person but still felt suspicious of Samar's intentions of accompanying him to Bali. But he decided that he could not postpone his meeting with Miss Sakhi, as it was the second time inspector Sarathi reminded him about it. He would appear arrogant if he did not comply with inspector Sarathi's request. That would mean he would lose face in front of inspector Sarathi.

But the main reason he wanted to go to Bali was to travel to Guntak to meet Nand's family. As the time arrived, the thought made him all the more impatient and restless. He was not sure which ghost of his past was going to appear before him. But he was sure he could not dodge his fate and fear anymore and decided to face it there and then.

Samar noticed the visibly troubled Bandu and wondered what upset him suddenly. He chose to remain silent and watch. Since they were to start for Bali early morning, Bandu decided to pack up at around 6.30. On the way, the supposed crime scene lay clean, devoid of any evidence signifying the crime.

It was a different sight that greeted him outside his house. His neighbors gathered in discussion around Partho's house, and all had grave expressions on their faces. He thought, now what?

There was no peace these few days as some troubling events erupted out of nowhere. Bandu slowed his stride into a walk, his eyes searching for Nand in the crowd. He let off the breath he was holding at spotting Nand on the veranda holding the baby in his hands. Confidence perched on his steps as he walked quickly, approaching the gathering. Partho detached himself from the crowd and came forward to meet Bandu.

" We have received terrible and tragic news today. Dr. Sanga has been found dead. They say it was a murder," Partho relayed the news.

"Who told you all this?" Bandu asked in disbelief.

"Bhanu, doctor Sanga's assistant, was picked up by the police today. He came back all distorted and crying. Dr. Suri had a lot of trouble calming him down. It was then is narrated how the police took him to the morgue to identify a dead body. He identified Dr. Sanga, but seeing the dead body made him sick."

"This is so shocking. Where was the body found?"

"I do not know about it."

"But why would anyone want to kill poor Dr. Sanga. He was such a good soul and human being. May his soul rest in peace."

"No one has approached the police to claim the body as yet. In that case, the police will cremate it themselves."

"It's sad to know that he did not have any family," said Bandu sadly after the reality hit him that he too was an orphan and one day he would meet the same fate.

The gathering dispersed after some time. Bandu disclosed to Partho his plan to travel to Bali the next day with Nand and Samar. Partho wished him a safe journey and asked him to look out for Nand as he had a curious streak in him and was likely to wander away.

"Hold on to him. Bali is a big city with many alleys and lanes, and you get lost easily," Partho advised.

"Ok, Partho will take care."

"But are you going to see a lady dressed like this?" Partho gave him an overall look and nodded his head sideways.

"Yes, I normally go dressed like this everywhere. I never felt the need to change as I am very comfortable in these clothes. Doesn't this look decent enough for a lady?" Bandu asked, annoyed.

"I did not mean it that way, Bandu. You could be more presentable, like have a haircut and shave off that ugly, untamed beard. Instead of covering yourself with a blanket, you can wear a folded shawl on one side of your shoulder. And wear cleaned and ironed set of clothes. You can at least do that, can't you?" Partho cleared his stand.

Bandu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"You are right, Partho. I can do that. But mind you, I am doing this for myself."

"Ok, ok, now go and get yourself a haircut and a shave."

Bandu kept his cycle away and went to the barbershop. He returned half an hour later only to see the amused faces of both Nand and Samar.

"What happened to both of you? Why are you both staring at me like that?"

At that, Nand gestured that he looked good. Even Samar smiled and agreed. Bandu felt embarrassed and got to preparing dinner. No one had pointed it out that he needed to change until now. For him, the overgrown hair was a disguise. Today at the mention of her name he had forgotten his intention. It surprised him greatly how unknowingly she influenced him.
Setting aside his thoughts he concentrated on his cooking.

He called Nand and told him about going to Bali the next day and from there to Guntak. Nand did not react to the news and just put his head down sadly. Bandu did not want to draw Samar's attention, so refrained from asking any question. He understood that for the boy the travel meant going home to his family. Samar watched this scene quietly, although he could not hear them. Bandu mentally noted down to carry the broken photo frame to be repaired at Bali.

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