Chapter 11

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 It was the officer who was expressing a surge of happiness. Bandu was now even more shocked at this behavior and waited for the laughter to settle down.

"This is a unique piece, Bandu," the inspector now commented and attached the two pieces to their original self, "Where did you buy it?" he inquired, looking at Bandu with a smile.

"Oh no, sir, I did not buy this. You see, I found this lying buried under the graveled stones beside the milestone over there," pointing in that direction, "I thought someone must have dropped it when they stopped here to have tea," he informed. Both men look down at the milestone.

"Were there no keys in them?" prodding further, he asked, "No, there were no keys maybe that is why no one came asking for it until now," Bandu put in, "But now as I see it, the piece is defective so it must have been discarded on purpose" his thoughts gave way.

"Defective?" the officer questioned, puzzled.

"Yes, it came apart so easily," Bandu clarified dejectedly

"But I kinda fancy it and want to buy a similar one-can I borrow it for a few days?" it was a request Bandu could not refuse, but more than that felt strange.

"Of course, sir, you keep it if you like it that much" he offered much to the officer's expectation, "Are you sure?" the officer stressed and saw a puzzled look on Bandu's face, "I mean, you looked pretty disappointed when I dislodged it," clarifying his thoughts.

"Well, you are right, I was disappointed when you did what you did, but it was not mine to keep in the first place and so not disheartened by giving it away to a person who likes it more than me,"

"Thank you, Bandu, well, I better hurry then and will meet you again if something good comes out of this," the thankful inspector added, quite pleased, holding the keychain in a tight grip.

"Here are your keys Bandu," placing the keys extracted from the ring on Bandu's hands.

Bandu kept the keys in his pocket and smiled to himself, thinking about the inspector who hurried off forgetting, to both take a puff and have tea. Alone again with the thought of Balwant, it saddened and angered him at how his trust was broken and misused in the name of friendship to earn money. He blamed himself for blindly trusting Balwant. Bandu was disheartened to know that Balwant was responsible for the attack on him. He had now become wary of trusting anyone after he had a narrow escape.

Thoughts of guilt proved him until they were scattered away by a loud voice.

"A glass of tea, please," the stranger voiced, making himself comfortable on the stool. The folds on his forehead flattened at the sight of that stranger, his eyes widened, and he went into all alert mode. With a nod, he acknowledged his order and readied a glass of tea for him.

"You look well now. Are you still on medication?" the stranger suddenly enquired.

"Yes, sir, some more days, then will be rid of that as well. Thank you, wait a minute, how do you know that I was not well?" having realized that no one knew about his kidnapping.

The stranger's mouth lifted at the corner, "What do you think?" he teased Bandu.

"My head is swarming with enough thoughts and can't process what you asked right now" Bandu tightened the hold on his emotions, trying not to be played at and had trusting issues right now.

"Well, I respect that straightforwardness," showing off his whites, "I did indeed save your life to be precise, Bandu, and admitted you to the hospital after that," he said.

"So you are Ravi Rajput as the name registered in the hospital," he stated to reconfirm and received a nod to that, "Then why is that you stayed away for so long? I waited for you at the hospital,"

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