Chp 24

21 13 0

The breeze today was very humid. Your nose became red. The air striked your face . You glanced at the people around you. Everyone was busy in one way or another. You were waiting for your coffee. As, the waiter served your coffee, you passed a formal smile and held the cup between your palms. It was very comforting to hold the hot cup between your hands.

The waiter gave you an ironic grin. You looked up waiting for an answer.
"What's so funny, mister?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry. It's just that people have another way of treating cold. Look around you ma'am. " He mumbled this almost mischievously.

You looked around. Hands in hands.
"Nothing in particular!"you lied.

He laughed " hmm. I can understand you. I'm single as well."

"Get outta here, you freak!"you said calmly.

"I'll think about it, if you give me some company."

You stood up and spilled the hot coffee over his foot. He tried his best to control his scream. And still. That freak was smiling.

You threw the cash on the table and walked a bit when he said "my tip?"

You turned around "oh yeah , I forgot about that!"

You walked closer and smacked his burnt foot with yours. "Take that!"

He mumbled as you walked away "loved it!"

You sighed and got out of that place.
Even , I can't have a moment of peace now!

The air blew harder. Oooo. It's giving me chills!

You opened your door and went in. You went in laundry and dragged out your washing machine. You brought your basket of clothes. As you picked up your one of the shirts and sniffed it, you sighed "yuck. It smells like shit."

You unloaded the basket in the machine and poured in some detergent..... After getting finished with this, you turned on the television, sat down and placed a bowl of crisps in your lap.

Living alone is not even that disgusting! I think... I think I'll like it this way.

You finished watching movie alone and then went in the bedroom. You got in your cozy blankets and thought about all the tasks that you needed to perform tomorrow. Counting them one by one, you stopped in between.

You dropped yourself off your bed.

Tomorrow is Saturday......

You got up and went in the washroom. You looked yourself in the mirror. You needed plucking, shaving cleansing ....

Your hair were in a terrible condition . And your skin was very dry.

I look like a crummy product!

Why would anyone held a hand of someone gross as you? It had been a lot of days , since you last took a bath. All of your sleep was spoiled by this thought.

You took your clothes off in no less than a second and threw yourself in the bath tub. You scrubed , steamed and cleansed yourself. You shaved your armpits. For a moment you thought that you have gone crazy. Doing all this in the middle of night just because you have some casual meeting with Taehyung?

But this meeting will decide whether I'll be happy for the rest of your life or whether I'll be sad?

You continued doing all this and became free at almost one at night. And when you finally went to bed , you decided to give one last look on your inbox. Taehyung texted you.

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