Chp 22

27 14 1

You moved forward but your heart was left behind. It was just tired of getting hurt so often. You hopped on, keeping a good awkward distance between the two of you. He glanced back from the corner of his eyes. His lips slightly parted as if he wanted to say something. But then he took a breath out and started the engine.


You got off the bike as soon as you reached there . You started moving forward. Without looking behind, you expected that he would grab your wrist or call out your name but non of it happened.

You gave up.

"I need to talk, if you please",you uttered desperately.

He nodded.

"Come inside",you gestured him to follow you in.

He followed you, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket and he was hardly pressing them downwards. His face was bent.

You collected the appropriate words.

"I want to make myself very clear, just go ahead and ask whatever you have in mind" you murmured.

He looked at you for a moment. You didn't met his gaze , nor did you wanted to. This was the day when he'll explain the meaning of taking a break. You cleared your head and throat.

He spoke. "Do you still hate my mother?"

"Yes",you said confidently, determined to speak the truth," my turn."

He nodded slightly.

You hesitated as much as you blushed and trembled. You gulped and said "Do you love me?"

His eyes widened and got lost in yours. His eyes answered everything but what actually mattered were his words.

His eyes wandered impatiently around the ceiling. "I don't know."

Your throat hurt a lot but this time you restricted the exit of tears from your eyes. "Fine",you mumbled.

He looked at you in a pitiful manner. You stared at him and said "forget about that. "

"About what?"

"Everything. Let's just pretend to be friends in front Jin and Namjoon. Seeing Jin's eyes swollen today was like the most painful experience of my life. That's why!"

"About that tattoo, Y/N . Don't take it of. If it matters that much, I'll take mine off. Since, she was my mother so I have to suffer the hate you have for her."

"I hate your father too. "

He looked at you in a surprise because  you were trying to joke in this critical situation.

You chuckled. "You don't need to. I came to know about you, your nature, the type of person you are , regardless of the tattoo. This all ain't because of the tattoo.  It doesn't really matter anymore."

"I guess but it does matter to me. It's so special for me. Please don't share it with anyone else. "

"I didn't said that I'll listen to everything you say. "

"But Y/N?"

You turned around and walked in to the bedroom and locked the door. You started unpacking your stuff.

Taehyung left after sometime when Namjoon came. He helped you until everything got settled. You shared a cup of tea with him and he left.

Now the problem was that you've never been alone at night. With no one around, your heart jumped in and out. You pulled a blanket over you and attempted to fell asleep at once and then

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