Chp 17

22 15 1

You forgot to breath and looked at Taehyung and then at Namjoon.

Just as this happened, a group of four men appeared which seemed to you as safe guards. All of your hopes were slowly sinking but this is what made you hopeful and enthusiastic again: Namjoon cracking his knuckles and neck.

I didn't knew that you can fight as well, Joon!

You were impressed on his confidence but still worrying because there were four of them and only one- wait it's the two of us! Heck yes.

You leaned Taehyung against the wall and both of you rushed forward to knock them down. And the greatest surprise of your life: you knocked down a masculine!

Namjoon was undeniably good at his fists. It took just a few minutes to end this.

Both of you heard more men coming in your direction. Taehyung's condition was worsening. So both of you held him ran towards the exit.

Luckily, no more trouble came in the way. Both of you put Taehyung in the van , you rested his head in your lap and Namjoon drove away from that place.

You looked at Taehyung. He was partially unconcious. You said to Namjoon "we should go to hospital first. V ain't fine, Namjoon."

Namjoon gave a look behind. Taehyung spoke brutally "Don't ever take me to hospital. I hate that place!"

"V, please",tears formed in your eyes.

"Don't please, hyung. Take me home."

He ignored you but that didn't meant to you at the moment.

You reached home and Jin called a medical consultant. He gave medicines. His lungs were damaged and condition wasn't fine. The doctor suggested nebulizing and medicines.

He needed proper care to cure completely.


You sat beside Taehyung, who was fast asleep. You looked at him and wondered he keeps on ignoring me.

You caressed his hair. He opened his eyes.

"Sorry- didn't mean to wake you up",you uttered.

He didn't looked at you, not even once. He was ignoring you again but you made sure not to get frustrated, when he's in this condition.

"V?",you mumbled.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Hmm?",he finally spoke.

"Would you like to eat porridge?"

"I want to sleep."

He turned around and covered his face with blanket.

You sighed "kay."

You turned off the light and went out.

At first ,you wondered that maybe he has some kind of head injury but it was only a foolish opinion.

You went in his room from time to time , making sure if he needs anything.

Next day, you got ready to go to work. You came out of your room and pulled on your boots. Jin said to you "Y/N, I and Namjoon need to go somewhere important! Can you please stay with Taehyung today?"

"Uh- ok. But where?"

"We need to visit the prosecutor and the doctor as well and some shopping-"


You went in your room and got in to your loose overalls. Jin went with Namjoon and you made sure to lock the door.

You then headed towards Taehyung's room but stopped.

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