Adventures in Shopping

13 1 0

(hello again)

tw; cursing, stealing mention, stealing breadsticks and silverware from olive garden, blood mention, fake blood mention, sfx makeup mention, scar mention, scar makeup mention, creepypasta mention, ghost mention, SeXy HaLlOwEeN cOsTuMe mention, zombie mention, pumpkin carving mention, fake weapons, mentioned fake weapons, demon mention, capitalism mention, christianity mention, spencers mention, sex toy mention, weed mention, satan mention, jeff the killer mention, lightly based on my own recent adventures at a pop-up halloween store, not sure which one it was, loosely based the mall setup off of my own local mall, cause i have no further frame of reference and i dont feel like looking any up, i haven't bought fabric at walmart (or in general) in actual years, probably more, let me know what I missed

No One's POV

At the end of the school day, the group found themselves in their dorms preparing for their shopping trip. "So, you guys have a holiday... Dedicated to horror, gore, scaring people, and getting candy?" Lilith questioned.

"And dressing up as ghosts and ghouls and other monsters," Luna added. "It's really fun, especially for a kid."

Cassy tossed some arrows in her satchel, and placed her bow in as well-'just in case'. "I remember going trick-or-treating as a kid. Everybody always gave me and my siblings a shit ton of candy. ...Thinking about it, I think people were just really scared of us."

"And you worship ghosts and demons, and you carve faces into pumpkins? ...Why?"

"It's rooted in a bunch of different ancient traditions and superstition, but nowadays it's just for fun," Sky shrugged. "Also capitalism took over every mainstream and-or Christian holiday ever. Though, a lot of holidays are amalgamations of other holidays. But I could give a whole lecture on how the Christians tried to steal Pagan holidays to stop them from being celebrated, so I'll spare you."


"You've seriously never heard of Halloween before?" Luna asked.

"Nope," Lilith put her purse over her shoulder, "we have something... sort of like it, though. We basically practice certain types of magic."


"Is everyone ready? If so, we should head out," Cassy interrupted.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, let's go."

The group arrived in town fifteen minutes later. "So, where to first?" Luna asked.

"Spirit Halloween," Cassy said definitively. "It's a staple in many kids childhood Halloween memories."

"Then Target and Walmart," Sky said.

"Then we should stop by the mall! I heard there are some really interesting stores," Lilith said.

"Then we stop for food, and head back to the dorms?" Luna added.

"Sounds like a plan!"

And they made their way to the pop-up store. It was a strange store, Lilith thought, with animatronic spiders and ghosts, quiet, creepy music playing, tired looking cashiers, and a few families with small-to-medium looking children. "Guess we're the only teens here right now," Sky said.

"Pretty sure most of them are at the mall or in their dorms, Sky," Cassy said.

"Well," Luna smiled, "time to go apeshit till we get kicked out." Luna ran off.

"I'm going to go see if they have any fake blood, I'm planning on going as Carrie for Halloween," Sky wandered off.

"I'm going to go inspect the fake weapons for historical and source accuracy, let me know when you're ready to leave," Cassy waved, and walked away as well.

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