The Evil Eye

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(sadansdfckjabndsvjneaghc I'm sorry,  i spontaneously got an idea while doing a practice sketch and now i need to write it)

Tw; cursing, nightmare mention, demon mention, blood mention, nose bleed mention, weapon mention, mentions of getting shot, puppet mention, doll mention, death mention, cut mention, injury mention, stalker mention, probably more, let me know what i missed

No One's POV

School had been going on for about two and a half months. With the exception of random demon attacks, finding out their roommates weren't human, spontaneous nosebleeds from Lilith, Luna, and Cassy, and the regular asswholes that come with high school, the past two months had been relatively peaceful in Luna's humble opinion.

Sure, their carpet was now permantly stained in blood, but that was fine. It wasn't as weird as almost stepping on an arrow Cassy left lying around, or waking up to almost getting shot with a century Sky set up for whatever reason. Honestly, in Luna's opinion, the weirdest part was the recurring nightmares she'd been having ever sense their meeting about being non-humans.

Luna wasn't really one to complain, she liked to go with the flow. It may get her in messy situations from time to time, but she was good about keeping a level head when nessecary. But now, it was just getting freaky.

Most of the dreams she had involved an eye, a milky white eye with a hexagonal iris shape with a barely visible pupil, but a thick black outline. The eye was always shakey, moving around sporadically and quickly, as if to see something that wasn't there. It would stop, and zero in on a place, dialating to the point of being hard to see. After a few moments, it would go back to shaking, then it'd zero in on something again, then repeat- never blinking. Just before she woke, the eye would zero in on her and start bleeding. There was another dream she had that was extremely similar, but after a while, she noticed the difference. In the first dream, the eyelashes were facing the right, and in the second, the eyelashes faced left. Other then that, the dream was the same as the first.

Those were most of the dreams she had, though others were different. Some were dreams of a masked man watching her from outside her window, getting closer each time she looked away, before he appeared in her room and shot her. Others were of a faceless creature pulling dtrings on her and on dolls of her friends, making them act out scenes, the strings only getting tighter the more she struggled, until they eventually cut her wrist and she bled to death.

And the last dream she had was usually just the same as the one with the other Evil Eye dreams, as she had taken to calling them. Except this one had no iris, just the tiny, near invisble pupil, and a pinkish, greyish, redish scar across it. This eye widened on occasion, but still never blinked. The blood was more obvious near the end of the dream with this eye, too. The Evil Eye dreams all shared one common similarity, a sense of foreboding, of danger and death.

Luna didn't mind the dreams at first. She's had worse nightmares then bleeding eyeballs and creepy stalker demons. But after a while, they dreams only got more vivid and she started feeling a little disconcerted. She finally cracked and decided to tell some body.

Cassy had been really concerned about the others seeing her right after a shower. Sky had said it had something to do with her being insecure about her eyes. Luna wasn't really paying attention, focusing more on her homework then what Sky had said.

At the moment, Sky was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack and drawing up plans for a prank, and Cassy was in the shower, so Luna took the time to tell Lilith about her nightmares. Lilith did admit to having strange dreams as well, ever sense meeting Cassy.

Luna heard the water stop running, but didn't describing the Evil Eyes to Lilith, who drew them for her. Lilith was good at drawing, surprisingly. "And they cried blood?" Lilith asked in disgust. Luna nodded.

"They were really weird, freaked me out a bit."

"Yeah that sounds pretty freaky... God, and those other dreams you mentioned?"

"The Stalker Dreams? Yeah, those are pretty creepy, but I much prefer them over the Evil Eye dreams. Feels less real, ya know?"

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Luna felt lighter now that she had someone to share her concerns with, and now that someone else knew about the Evil Eye.

"Hey, guys?" Cassy opened the bathroom door slightly and stuck her head out. "Can you get Sky to hand me some clothes and my necklace?"

Luna looked over at her and smiled slightly. "Sure-" She stopped, eyes wide. Luna was just talking about the Evil Eye, and now... Now she saw it on Cassy's face.

hhhhhhhhhhh PLOT & CLIFFHANGER *drops this and runs*

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