6- Tommy

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Just some little moments from a Tommyinnit Pinocchio syndrome au! Pinocchio syndrome is when you hiccup when you lie, but don't worry it's not real!

"Dream I promise, I'm not hiding anything!" Tommy stifled a hiccups with his hand and groaned internally. During Pogtopia and L'manburg his 'little' problem was nothing, a joke if anything. It kept him honest, make Wilbur trust him more. But now? It was beginning to feel like it would kill him.

"You suck at lying. Show me the stuff." Dream spat. Tommy was burning with anger, at Dream and himself.

"I don't know what stuff your talking about *hic*, and I do not suck at lying *hic*." Tommy groaned. This was definitely going to kill him.

Dream broke a block to reveal chests. Tommy's chests. All his things.

"Dream I'm sorry! I thought it would be fine!" Tommy protested, two more hiccups shaking his chest. Dream clicked his tongue disappointedly, and pulled out tnt.

Tommy panicked. He dashed to the chests, snatching out the first thing he thought to grab. His photos of him and Tubbo. He stuffed them in his pockets and ducked as the explosion rattles his bones.

"I'm sorry..." Tommy whispered, just loud enough for Dream to hear. And this time, no hiccup followed.


Water splattered the boy's faces, leaking into their shoes. Both spat insults at each other and an armored crowd watched silently. The one best friends were practically at each others throats, weapons drawn and all.

"Tubbo!" Tommy yelled, cutting Tubbo off.

"The disc's Tubbo! The discs were worth more then you ever were." Tommy yelled. The everything fell silent, backed by the waterfalls white noise.

A single noise broke the silence. A stifled hiccup escaping Tommy's chest. Everyone let out their breath in relief.

Tubbo dashed, dropping his weapon. He jumped onto Tommy in a hug, sob's catching in his throat. Tommy stood, frozen. He internally both cursed and blessed his condition.

"Tubbo get off, I'm mad at you"


"Tubbo! I don't need you!"


"I hate you!"


"Fine, I missed you." Tommy whispered, wrapping his arms around Tubbo. No hiccup shook his body this time, and Tubbo latched on tighter.

"I missed you too Big man." Tubbo smiled lightly.

Dream stood, dumbfounded. His plan had horribly failed. All because of the tell he had relied on all of Tommy's exile. This couldn't have gone worse.

"As president of L'manburg, I declare Tommyinnit no longer exiled." Tubbo said, quietly and still holding Tommy. But he said it with enough confidence that everyone knew.


Tommy and Tubbo walked the border of L'manburg, their newly born country practically shining.

"Tommy be honest, have you had your first kiss?" Tubbo questioned, giggling lightly.

"I will neither confirm or deny I have kissed a very hot woman." Tommy said confidently, avoiding actually lying. Tubbo grinned misteviously.

"Tommy repeat after me." Tubbo giggled. "I"



Hiccup Oneshots -Multi fandom-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora