7- Peter Pan

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Wendy paced her room, mumbling under her breath. Equations and homework, it all blurred together into one messy pile of nothing.

"Come on! Something happen! I'm bored!" Wendy through herself onto her bed and groaned. This wasn't working.

A faint jingle sounded from across the room. It rang as if a million tiny bells. Wendy darted her head up, only to see a shadow on the other side of her bed.

Wendy slapped a hand to her mouth, scrambling back. The shadow wasn't attached to anything, and it crouched behind her bed as if it could see her! This was wrong. The random strangely enticing bell and this detached shadow was wrong! Things where not suposed to work like this!

A faint tapping sounded from the window. Wendy pinched herself, squeezing her skin quickly and tightly. This was not a dream, this was definitely not a dream.

Wendy held her breath, slipping off her bed and onto the creaking floor. She closed her eyes, flipped up the lock, and scrambled back onto her messy bed.

A boy's delicate fingers wrapped around the windows frame, pulling himself through. A blond head popped out first, followed by a green clad body. A green clad floating body. A floating body!

The body, the boy, landed delicately on the floor and looked around the room. The shadow, the shadow that was actually pretty similar to the boy now Wendy saw them next to eachother, slunk along the walls to press itself on the door, facing the boy.

"Shadow! I *hic* missed you!" The boy called happily. As the boy's body jolted with a loud sharp hiccup, the shadow recoiled.

"Come back here *hic* now! We need to g-*hic* get us fixed up. No? What do you *hic* mean no! Come on Sh-*hic* Shad-*hic* Shadow! Ok I get it now."

The bell rang again from the corner, and a sparking light flew from behind the dresser and around the boy's head. Fain glitter fell from the light-bell as it flew.

"Hey Tink! Could you *hic* help me get Shadow *hic* to come back?" The bot's eyes darted around the room before finally- finally!- landing on Wendy, who was huddled in the corner with her sheets around her body.

"Oh hello! Who are *hic* you? I'm Peter, Peter *hic* Pan! This is my friend Tink, and that's m-*hic* my Shadow!" The boy, Peter, introduced himself with a sweeping (yet jolting) bow.

"I'm Wendy," Wendy mumbled under her breath. Peter looked up and met her eyes happily, before a hiccup jolted his chest yet again.

"Sorry *hic* about this! The situation w-*hic* with my shadow and fairy in your *hic* room! And the h-*hic* hiccups too," Peter smiled bashfully. Wendy's lips parted, searching for a response. Nothing came.

"See the lost boy's *hic* found these berries and so I tried them because why w-*hic* would I not but them they gave me these. I s-*hic* wtill have some if you *hic* want!" Peter rambled, pulling a few small yellow berries from his pocket and tossing them to Wendy. Wendy caught them clumsily and stared to the berries newly in her pocket.

Peter began to beckon his shadow over carefully, as the small glow-y thing behind him somehow began to gather a needle and string up. Wendy watched in fascination.

The interest began to dim when they began to sew the fighting shadow back onto Peter. Wendy turned her attention to the curious berries.

The situation was strange, and it didn't make sense. But the panic flooding Wendy's brain made it hard to think, and what really was the harm in testing curiosity. It couldn't get much worse!

Wendy nibbled at one of the berries. A overly sweet citrus taste flooded her tongue. It didn't seem to be giving her hiccups, and she could see why a boy like Peter could have such little self control that he would eat enough to give him hiccups. And two or three berries never gave anyone hiccups.

Peters hiccups where sharp and quick. They jolted his body around, quite a bit actually, and where quite high pitched.

Wendy's on the other hand, where soft. They would have been almost unnoticeable, a quiet hup as long as she kept her mouth closed. That would have been if they didn't hurt, and practically throw her across the room. Atleast that's what it felt like.

So maybe the berries did give hiccups.

Peter lifted each arm, testing his shadows movement. He smiled, and held out an arm for Tink to land on. A soft noise sounded from across the room, and Peter turned.

"How many b-*hup* berries did you *hup* eat?" Peter tilted his head. Wendy opened her mouth, yet three hiccups spilled out before she could speak.

Wendy clutched one hand to her bounding chest, and used the other to hold up and hand. She showed three finger. A mumbled "ow-*hup*" slipped from her lips.

"I barely *hic* had a drop of the juice! Are *hic* you crazy?" Peter stepped over to Wendy quickly. Wendy smiled, pain showing in her face, and nodded. Her chest had barely stopped bouncing up and down since she had eaten the berries, her breath coming in short gasps.

"Poor lady. How 'bout I *hic* t-*hic* take you to neverland, to repay you *hic* for your time?" Peter offered a hand. Wendy placed her free one delicately on his calloused one. Peter smiled.

"Tink, up and away *hic* we go!" Peter grinned. Wendy looked up in surprise as Tink flew around the two, dusting them in gold. Peter smiled and helped her shaking form slide out the window.

The cold London air took their breath away. Peter gasped in the fresh breeze, smiling. Wendy looked around in shock.

"Wow *hup*," Wendy smiled. Peter paused, a finger to Wendy's shaking lips. He let the near silent seconds pass, broken only by the light background of Wendy's hiccups.

"Their gone! Their totally absolutely gone! Finally!" Peter cheered, swooping into the air. Wendy gasped in fear as they glided up on imaginary wings.

"Whe-*huc* Where to *huc* no-*huc* now?" Wendy asked breathlessly, clutching onto Peter's hand.

They sored past tall candle lit buildings and moonbeams cast on rivers. It was beautiful, more beautiful then Wendy had ever seen. And if hiccups would always remind her of this, she would be willing to get them every day for the rest of her life.

"Past the second star and take a left to Neverland!"

I finally did it! I also got the hiccups writing this. It's official, I'm cursed. 

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