4- Dipper

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Dipper shuffled through his bag carelessly. He could feel papers ripping under his grasp, but didn't care. He was on a mission to find this journal.

His journal that he had definitely put in his backpack this morning.

This journal that...

Wasn't there?

Dipper's legs collapsed under him with a hiccup. He groaned and shoved his head into his hands.

Today had been the worse. Mabel was sick, so his best friend was missing. He had had hiccups on and off all day, earning him a fabulous new nickname of "hic-boy". And now his hiccups had finally gone for more then 30 minutes, he lost his journal and they came right back.

Tl:dr, it was one of those days.

"Hey Hic-boy! Looking for this?" A bully walked up with a half-hearted strut. Dipper hiccuped again, jolting his body forward slightly. He hated his hiccups. They were high-pitched and girly, and caused far to much gender dysphoria.

"Hello again. Yes *hup* that's mine. Could I *hic* please have it *huc* back?" Dipper tried to be calm, but the more his hiccups hurt the more his breath speed up, and the more that speed up his hiccups. It was an endless painful cycle.

"Oh hic-boy wants his diary back?" The boy crouched down, his near black hair falling into his eyes. Dipper looked into his eyes, attempting a fearsome look.

"It's *huc* not a diary. But yea *hup* I would." Dipper winced. His hiccups where jolting him more and more. They hadn't been this painful all day, what was changing?

"And why should I give it up?" The bully taunted. Dipper thought over the question, looking for an answer.

"Because you have a crush on me?" Dipper guessed, making the bully flush and freeze. This was working. "I mean why *hup* else would you try so hard to *hic* talk to me? I mean attentions *huc* attention, right? And honestly I can admit your kinda *huc* hot. But I'm *hic* not into people who bully me. And you *hup* have like 20 girls who would *hic* do anything for your love. You don't *hup* need me."

Dipper only lied slightly. 'Not liking people who bully me' was a bit of a stretch. He couldn't help but think of what Pacifica would have thought at that, they had dated for a year. Long distance just didn't work out.

"Your stupid." The bully mumbled. Dipper studied his face, and was surprised to find he had struck a truth.

Dipper snatched his journal back with a hiccup and smiled. He walked away happily and grinned at the gang of bullies behind the first boy.

Maybe today hadn't been so bad.


So. You know how I said I'd test if writing hiccups really did give me hiccups or if it was a coincidence? Well, I got caught up with school and kinda forgot about it. I started writing this for fun and...

Ya it gives me hiccups. I'm almost sure of it, and the really intense hiccups I have rn are kinda proving it. I mean really intense. They don't hurt, but their jolting me a lot and when I tried to count I think their like 4 seconds apart? Kinda loud too. This is kinda a weird feeling, I've never really had hiccups this strong. Never before I started writing these!

Idk why they trigger hiccups in me. It kinda lets me do more accurate hiccups in writing? It's super annoying thought.

Current my speech is like:

"Hello *huc* I am *huc* (insert name) *huc*!" And like jolting forward whenever I speak?

As I keep writing these and get hiccups more often maybe I should make a book of my story's of having hiccups? I mean it's really weird that writing these gives me hiccups 🤷🏻‍♂️


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