3- Lumity

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Luz smiled at her girlfriend, who was playing gently with the mouse. The mouse responded much better to Amity then to Luz, probably because she was used to handling them.

Luz rolled closed to Amity and rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder. They where alone in Luz's room, so she felt more comfortable being affectionate. Amity hiccuped lightly and cringed.

"You ok Ami?" Luz asked softly, not waiting to scare either the mouse or her girlfriend.

"Yep, just a *hic* hiccup." Amity groaned and let the mouse run back in its cage. Neither moved from the comfortable position, hands intertwined and Luz's head on Amity's shoulder.

"I just get hiccups when I'm *hic* nervous, sorry." Amity blushed. Luz smiled and brushed a lock of hair that had fallen on Amity's nose away, making Amity blush more.

"Don't be nervous, I've got you!" Luz squeezed her hand obliviously.

"You *hic* make me nervous" Amity muttered under her breath. Luz perked her ears to hear the words.

"You, Amity Blight, are nervous because of little old me?" Luz laughed lightly. Amity nodded and joined her in laughing.

Amity hummed a yes and moved close to Luz for warmth and cuddles.

"Can I ask a question?" Luz asked quietly. Amity noddedn with a hiccup. "Who did you wanna ask to grom?"

"You *hic*" Amity answered simply, cursing her hiccups internally.

"Oh my gosh and I said as friends! Stupid!" Luz smacked her own forehead lightly.

"Yes, my stupid *hic*human that I love." Amity smiled lightly. It was Luz's turn to blush, as well it wasn't quite 'I love you', it was close enough for her.

And in all of it, they where the happiest they had ever been.

I just woke up a felt like writing a bit of cute gay shit so here you go!

Remember how I said last chapter that I hope it doesn't become a trend that I get hiccups when I write them? Wish me luck on that, I got hiccups well writing this. They're a lot slower and such compared to last time but I do have them.

On the plus side I know how to give myself hiccups! Just write about them!

I'll write again either tomorrow or when these have gone away and see if it gives me hiccups again. So until then, see ya!

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