Part 18: Blue Print (EDITED)

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"Yes Im Queen and this is my friend Strawberry" I replied shaking his hand.

He invited us in, we follow him to the living room.

"Where my grandchild?" He asked as we walked in.

"Thats what Im actually here about Mr.James" I told him as we all took a seat.

You can tell he was a dope dealer because everything in his house looked expensive,marble floors, nice furniture. It was actually nice,

  "So whats the problem?" he asked sitting across from us in the matching love seat.

"When Kyle got shot the first time, he had  a bookay of black roses and said they were from you. Is that true?" I asked

"Yeah, I sent them roses" he answered.

"Do you know of some guys that where red rose bandannas on there faces" I asked.

"Yeah the guys from across the track been trying to sale on Kyles territory, they put a price on Kyles head. I sent a hit out on the guy who was supposed to kill Kyle,  the guy who killed Kyle was a lil young nigga name Dirt across the tracks" he explained to me.

"I think they took my daughter and Strawberry's son" I told him. He jumped up and yelled "they took my grandchild?!?" I started crying "yes sir, I work at the same club as Strawberry and while we was at work they took them from her house and killed the nannies, we ran the cameras back and see guys in red rose bandannas" I explained.

Strawberry started to crying to, I whipped my tears and asked where can I find Dirt and his crew

"No sweetie let me handle it, I will get yall babies back safely" he said looking over at me

"No offense Mr. James but this is personal and this is something I want to take care of myself" I said stubbornly.

"At least let me send some guys to do the take out for you, you cant raise your daughter in jail, please just to protect you and my grandchild" he begged.

I agreed and he called two guys from out a room in the back "Jay! , Pale! Come here" he yelled. They came up there and Pale looked alot like Kyle, I stared at him for about 5mins straight. He looked to much like Kyle I thought to myself.

"Pale, Jay this is Strawberry and Queen. Queen is Kyles baby momma, and Dirt nem across the track got me grandchild" he yelled.

They both nodded, and cocked their guns "so we taking them out?" Jay asked with a serious look on his face. "All yall doing is the take out, who she say kill, kill! Who ever you even think is a threat to these two girls kill they fucking ass" he commanded.

Black Roses and Gun Shots [EDITING](Completed)Where stories live. Discover now