Part 5: Dont Leave Me (EDITED)

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We must have been there because the car stopped. "Dont fuckin move Queen" , he hopped out and all I heard was gun shots


I just knew in my head that it was Kyle who got shot. I started crying quietly, and I saw a gun under the seat I grabbed it and it felt loaded I cocked it to make sure. I grabbed the seat to pulled myself up off the floor and on to the seat, and looked out the window. I saw Kyle on the ground bleeding out struggling to keep his eyes open. I jumped out and helped him in the truck he had gotten shot in his arm . I got in the drivers seat and put my seatbelt on. I rushed to the hospital, pulled up right in front I took off my seat belt and jumped out and ran to the lady at the desk yelling " help my baby daddy been shot" she called for a doctor and two men bust out the doors that separated the waiting room from the hall where the patients rooms were.
They ran to the truck and got Kyle and rushed him to the back, I fell to the ground when I seen his lifeless looking body go passed me "please god dont take him away from me" I cried out. Nurses helped me up asked me to calm down for the sake of my baby girl. I tried but just couldn't I need him, he was all I had, all god gave me. I tried to go to the back there with Kyle after I calmed down, but they told me I couldn't . So I sat in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to come out and tell me bad news. 4 hours went by and I sat there lifelessly rocking back and forth. All I could think about is think about is a verse in this song the Kyle made when we first met.

"Queen of my eyes, you got class, style and beauty. I wanna be your first, last and your all baby. Just let me do me. I promise I will never leave, never leave you. "

Black Roses and Gun Shots [EDITING](Completed)Where stories live. Discover now