Part 1: Welcome Home (EDITED)

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I woke up tired from the restless night before listening to Royal arguing all night with her boyfriend. I got up and went to the bathroom and turn on the shower, before I stepped foot in my phone rang.

"Hello" I answered.

"Wassup babe" a deep voice replied. I recognized the voice immediately, "BABYYYYYYY" I screamed.

"Where you at, they finna release me. " he said. " I'm finna take a shower and on the way" I replied.

{Me and my boyfriend Kyle been together for 2 years now. Kyle is 19 and im only 16, we started off as friends but shit changed. He been in jail for 3 weeks, and yesterday I found out i was 4 weeks pregnant. I haven't told anyone, because I don't have real friends and my family aint gone do shit but talk down on me. He was a rapper and big time dope dealer like every other nigga in Chicago. I lost my v-card to him, he was my first everything.}

" Ight, I love you bae" he said before hanging up. I took my shower and quickly put on my clothes ( outfit in media) and grabbed the keys to his truck. I rushed out the door and got in the truck and I began to drive to the county jail.

I pulled up to the jail and there my baby was, he sat there waiting on me. He smiled when he seen me pull up with a mouth full of golds. "Wassup bae" he said as he got in. I took off my seat belt and sat up in my seat and kissed him like I haven't seen him in years. We kissed for at least five mins, just slubbing each other down so passionately. Cars lined up behind me blowing the horn cause I didn't park and was in the middle of the parking lot. I sat in my seat and put back on my seat belt and drove to his house.

"I fucking missed you" I mumbled. "I missed you more baby " he replied smiling showing his golds.

"I'm pregnant Kyle" i said under my breath as i stared straight at the road.

"You what?" He said staring at me with his sexy brown eyes. Not knowing how he would react I still forced myself to tell him I cut down the radio and repeated " I'm pregnant". I started crying because it hit me that im only 16 and im already pregnant, and the girlfriend of a drug dealer. I quickly pulled over at Jet Pep as my eyes begin to get blurry from crying. "If its girl lets name her Princess " he said hoping it would cheer me up. I couldnt help but smile, because he always knew what to say. He wiped my tears and told me to let him drive.

Black Roses and Gun Shots [EDITING](Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon