Part 12: Passion(EDITED)

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I woke up the next morning, body sore as hell. I was in the shower last night for at least 3 hours, we was fucking passionately.

I never had sex with anyone but Kyle but even the sex with him wasn't this good. I still dont know who it was but in my head I had Idea, I just imagined it was Kyles ghost. That took my mind off of it. I got up and got ready for the day I got cute but basic (outfit above), my surgery was today to.

I went to see Erianna before I left she was sleeping in the nannies arms, I kissed her for head an headed out. Strawberry was already down stairs and told me was riding together . We drove a all pink Range Rover, the sun was out and today was beautiful.

We headed to the condos to sign the papers, we got out and sign the papers and I payed the down payment and the first months rent. They gave me the key and we left, she took me to the office where I would have my surgery.

They gave me my constellation, and the doctor told me he would be add fat to my butt and hips. Strawberry paid 15k for the surgery, then I went in this room and took off my clothes and put on a hospital dress.

The doctor came in and told me we were ready to began, he put me to sleep and I woke up 3hrs later in the recovery room with IVs and shit hanging out my arm. Strawberry was sleepy in the chair next to me I look down at my stomach was slim and flat , you couldn't even tell I just have a baby. My hips were expanded and my ass felt bigger, or it may have been this soft ass pillow I was sitting on.

"Strawberry" I said waking her up.

"Huh? " she said waking up, "am I done?" I asked "yes, your surgery was successful and the IV you have in your arm is to help the healing process go much faster " she answered. I sat back and looked at my stomach and hips, I looked good I must admit. 30 minutes later they released me and me and Strawberry went to KOD, where I met Max the club owner.

"You must be black rose" he said walking towards me, "I am" I replied. "Good follow me" he said, still sore from last night an now the surgery I followed alone.

He showed me what pole I would dance on and my makeup station in the back, he introduced me to my stylist, makeup artist and my stage manger ( someone who would come behind me to pick up the money that was thrown) . Everyone seem pretty nice. I had a photo shoot with Strawberry tomorrow afternoon.

"The other girls that work here wont like you, because your a threat your taking there money I will be introducing you on your first night so you will take all the attention off of them" she explained .

"So we gotta alot of work to do before you can start" she added. I agreed and we left, and head back to Strawberry's house. I decided to leave and go to my condos since I already had the key, I went in side and grabbed my things and took Erianna I told Strawberry I would see her tomorrow.

As I headed out the front door I heard a voice, the same one that whispered in my ear last night "you had fun last night? " it said.

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