Chapter 2: Another uncle?

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I had the smallest smile on, knowing I could at least come home to my dear mother, the sweetest woman alive, along with her sweet husband and their soon to come child.

I knocked once with no answer, I knocked once again no answer.

I found the spare key on top of the door frame and hurriedly put the key in and opened the door to reveal...


An empty room.

The living room was dark, no lights were on, no tv playing, no trace of life. I stepped in and started to look around, everything was untouched, almost perfectly in place. 

To perfectly placed.

I turned on the lights and that's when I noticed something off. There was a large red trail from the couch to behind the counter. I slowly took out Riptide and walked forwards hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.

I looked over the counter, not seeing everything, but enough.

On the floor were two bodies, a large red pool of blood surrounding them. I backed up slowly before deciding I needed to make sure that there wasn't a chance I was wrong.

I walked around the counter and looked down upon the two lifeless bodies. On the floor was my mother and step-father , there were no wounds below the neck, just a bullet wound straight through the head for the both of them. I put my hand over my mouth to stop anything from coming out. Maybe it was a scream, maybe puke, I really couldn't be sure, at the moment I just knew that I needed to tell someone. I grabbed the phone, not really caring about the repercussions at the moment.

------Time skip-----

I was currently being held at the station as they tried to find anyone to take me in. I already told them about me not having any family members who could take me as my dad is gone at sea and my mother is now...

She doesn't have any relatives.

I had been sitting there for a while just spinning Riptide in my hands, my head was blank at the moment, it was like I was just there, it was kinda scary. Nothing was on my mind, it was just numb. Everything around me was silenced as all I focused on was the pen.

I was woken out of my haze when I looked up and met eyes with one of the cops. He had a small smile.

" Ms. Jackson, we found a distant uncle to take you in"

I sat there for a minute, dumbfounded and confused by what I just heard. I had an uncle? This had to be a joke right? Surely mom would've told me about a relative.

" I think you have the wrong Jackson, my mother would've told me about an uncle of any sort."

"Actually your mother does in fact have a brother, though she was adopted at a young age and sent to live with the Jackson family"

I just sat there letting it all sink in.

My mother was adopted.

I had other relatives (hopefully) who weren't related to the Gods somehow. They had been living away from us, I'm sure he had no idea we existed either.

"Okay" My voice was surprisingly calm, even to myself.

The officer smiles "Your uncle is THE Bruce Wayne, I'll give him a call now to see when or if he can pick you up" He pats me on the shoulder before walking off.

My mind wandered to what he said, 'The Bruce Wayne'? Was he famous? Great, that's just what I need right now, more of a crowd to watch me slowly break down.

The cop eventually comes back, waking me up from my thoughts.

" He will be here in a few hours to pick you up, until then please wait here, all of your things and familial belongings will be picked up by Mr. Wayne at a later date."

I nodded and he walked off. This was going to be a long day.

-----Time skip-----

I had been sitting here for what felt like forever when the cop from earlier walked up to me, a small smile on his face once again.

"He's here to get you, and all the papers have been signed."

I nodded and grabbed my bag with some of my clothes and other necessities I took on the go. As I walked outside with the cop, I wondered if this relative would be anything like my mother. I mean nothing can compare to her, the woman was a goddess sent straight from somewhere better then Olympus, but maybe just maybe there would be some resemblance.

These thoughts continued to grow until I saw the man that was my uncle. I knew immediately he was going to be nothing like my mother, maybe it was the striking and cold blue eyes, or the permanent scowl on his face. On his side there was an older man, he seemed to be a bit more kind, judging from appearances of course. I walked up to them not saying a word. The man who I assume to be my uncle just stared at me for a couple uncomfortable seconds until he finally says " Hello Persephone" 


Sorry this one is shorter, the length's will vary but I promise I'll try and make them long.

900 words

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