Chapter 13:Copycat

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(Sorry for any typos,Happy Reading Mochis❤️)

—Gulf's POV—

'where am i?' i asked myself. I can't speak,i can't even move a little bit. I've been tied with a thick rope. I don't really remember how i got here...But one thing for sure,i am not home...Totally not home. I heard the sounds of the door as my attention get caught by the person that went in. who is he?He looks familiar. Then suddenly something came on in my mind. oh yeah..He's the same guy that asked for my card because he said that he forgot how his card exactly looks like. Sounds like a stupid excuses,but i am more stupid to believe it.

"How's your sleep?" He said as he roughly took off the things that's been covering my mouth.

"What do you exactly want for me bitch?" i spoke,not caring if he's offended by my words. He smirked before he slapped me hardly.

"I don't think you should've said that to your future brother-in-law."

I looked at him weirdly. 'What does he mean by brother-in-law?' The guy infront of me smiled before he sat besides me,careless about my situations.

"Why did you fucking kidnapped me?" Why can't he just answer me? this is so irritating.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Saint,Saint Suppapong Jongcheveevat. I am Mew's little brother,but sadly..I choosed to live with my dad all way when he was so young,so im all positive that he doesn't remember me."

I looked at him up and down,giving him a dirty look as im telling him that I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HIS LIFE. "And what's the point of you kidnapping me?"

He took a fork before he threw it at my face,making my cheeks bleeding. "Its you. You fucking manipulated him to kill my dad,even tho it's totally your fault. You are a fucking coward,you only know how to kill people,but then when the cops were trying to catch you,you ran away idiot,YOU FUCKING RAN AWAY LIKE A COWARD." Saint said madly at me,biting his lips with the unstable breathe.

"You killed my mom,and still he is on your side?! Why is he so stupid?!!DID YOU PUT A FUCKING SPELL ON HIM OR YOU JUST BRAINWASHED HIM?" Saint continued to yell,as he took the vase and threw it on my head,making it bleed even more.

I looked away as i spit the blood that went into my mouth. "It was never my choice in the first place. Haru should've been died. He is the real brainwashed plus a manipulator."

Saint smirked before he pulled my hair roughly,forcing me to look in his way,directly to his face. "I know that you are a hitman,and you'll find a way to runaway from here. So you know what?i will make my brother leave you,by himself!!"

I looked at him weirdly,not understanding what he's trying to say. Then he asked his bodyguard to bring a black suitcase,as he opened it..there's an injection needles with something in it. Saint smiled,while he's showing it to me.

"Hey idiot. Do you see this thing in my hand?With one injection...It will make your body 50% paralyzed.You can't even walk normally and it will give you a hard and sharp pain when you're trying to even move.AND YOU KNOW WHAT?YOU DESERVE IT. "

My heart drops. He is a psychopath..I started to get scared...Mew...Please come faster..

"But of coursee,Mew will be here and find you..So guess what?Don't worry darling,i have prepared someone to replace you,and plus ruin mew's feeling for you" Saint said as he clapped his hand,before someone went in...

My blood went cold. He totally looks 100% like me. The face,the height,and even the body type and voice..Who is he? And how can he looks exactly like a copy of myself?

"This is Type Thiwat,and guess what? He will act to be you until...Mew hates you."

I just realized that im not wearing the same shirt as i got kidnapped here. Type took my clothes as he got changed. He messed his hair and started to act as if he's crying. Saint went closer to

He injected it in me..After that,i felt sleepy..I can't even head feels heavy..Ouch..Please..It hurts..anybody,please me..I heard Mew's voice as the door get closed and locked from the outside..

"GULF!!" I can hear his voice..Mew..Im here,he's not me..Mew..

"BABE!!YOU'RE HERE" That fucking type..How can he acted to be me.

It hurts..My whole body is hurting. I wanted to scream but i can even speak a words.Mew..Please save me..Im here please..don't go away...I'm afraid..

Everything started to get tears started to run out of my eyes,slowly falling on my cheeks.


im planning on hanging this story here,i don't really feel like writing anymore... i don't know,still thinking about it to be honest(maybe yes,maybe no,hopefully no)

thanks for reading,i hope you'll have a great day..feel free to vote if you wants to,as long as you're happy :)

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