Chapter 8:Angels Could Communicate

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(Sorry for any typos,Happy Reading Mochis!)

—No one's POV—

Mew arrived the hospital as he went straight to the doctor. "Doc,how's my little sister's condition..?" Mew asked the doctor as he sighed. "Mr.Suppasit...She's already in a good stage right now. There's nothing serious that happened...But we'll need her to stay here so it will be easier for us to do the checkup and others." The doctor said as Mew nodded his head,listening to what the doctor was saying.

"She's still unconscious?" Mew asked the doctor

"Yes,but don't worry. She just need rest." The doctor replied to the older,making the older feel better.

Mew suddenly think of someone...Gulf. Mew called Zee to bring some bodyguards to take care of Jom,as he went into his car and drove to the adress that Haru gave him earlier.


Its was raining heavily,as Mew was standing infront of the luxury mansion. He pushed the doorbell button,before a maid opened the door for him. "Yes sir...?What can i help you?" The maid asked Mew as she's looking at the older. 'Oh god,he is kinda hot..' The maid said to herself.

"I want to meet Gulf Kanawut. Now,and i don't accept no as the answer." Mew said coldly,going straight to the point. Making the maid shivers to the bone.

"B-but can't just meet him like that.." The maid said.

"Do you want me to repeat my words?" Mew asked her again. Making the maid scared.

"Mew...?" Gulf said as he saw the older,infront of the door. Gulf gave the maid sign to let Mew in,as the older went in and pulled Gulf to his bedroom.

"M..Mew i.." Gulf was stuttering,trying to explain everything.

"Show me your room." Mew command the younger. Coldly,far away different from how Mew used to be with Gulf before.

Gulf lead the older to his room,before both of them went in and Mew locked the door.

"I think you already knew that my sister just got shot." Mew spoke,as the younger looked at him.

"M-Mew,i swear to god it wasn't me-"

Mew went closer to the younger as he stroked the younger's hair gently. "I never said that it was you.."

Gulf was holding his tears when the older stroked his hair gently,Gulf feels safe..

"But Gulf...Did you really killed my mother 3 years ago..?" Mew asked him,Gulf was stunned before he looked at the younger silently,not knowing what to say.

"Just be honest my love,i won't be mad..I just want to know the truth and the reason why. Its already happened,so there's no use of being mad at you anymore" Mew said softly,as he was rubbing the younger's back. With a soft gaze,he looked at the younger,and the stares was full of love.

"I...I do" Gulf replied before he looked away. He can't even look at the older anymore...The guilty that he felt. It's haunting him as Gulf started to cry.

Mew caressed Gulf's face gently,before he picked the younger up and sat on the bed,while Gulf was still in his arm. "No baby,don't cry...It's okay,shush...Its fine baby,it's totally fine. But may i know the reason why..?Just calm down first and tell me the whole story.I won't be mad,i promise" Mew said gently,trying to calm Gulf down. Gulf hugged the older before he started to speak

"3 Years ago...I was forced by Haru to kill your mom..If i refused to do it,he threatened me that he will ruin my whole life...I was so young back then Mew...I was scared..He manipulated me to think that i can only listen to his order..I was so stupid back then..i'm sorry" Gulf explained it all while he's still hugging the older tightly.

"Haru is my dad right?" Mew said as Gulf nodded slowly. Mew looked at the younger before he said "I see,it's fine...Don't be sad,it's all fine baby"

Gulf looked at the older as Mew's smiling at him softly,while he's caressing the younger's cheeks,with full of adoration. "Mew...Aren't you supposed to be mad at me..?"

Mew chuckled slowly before he responded "Gulf,being mad at someone and letting your emotions taking control to the fullest is one of the biggest mistakes in the world...I know,you killed my mom. But there's must be a reason why you did it right?Yeah i know,it looks like im having a big problem right now,but if we take a little bit closer view...You're also facing your own problems.I told you i love you,and it would be a lie if i can't even be with you,and listen to your problems. Gulf..If i didn't came here and listened to your explanation,i wouldn't find out that Haru is the real bad person in this case. Look,i choosed to be calm and listened to your explanation first and now i found out about the truth. Communication is needed,Gulf...No matter what,and that's what im trying to show you. Past is past,and realizing your mistake is the best thing that you could at least do to heal the pain.Let me help you to fix this up,and we'll make it better TOGETHER,Okay..?i will always be here,and i hope that you'll be there for me too"

Gulf was stunned. He can't believe that after all things that happened to Mew,he still decided to stay calm and solved it out slowly. Gulf looked at the older,before he hugged him tightly,not planning on letting Mew go.

"Mew..." Gulf called him while he's crying,making the older's shoulder wet.

"Yes?" Mew answered as he's hugging the younger back,calming him down.

"I love you mew...I love you so much...Please don't ever leave me.." Gulf confessed his real feelings for the older. He had made up his decision. No matter what...He will always be there for Mew,and he wants Mew in his life.

Mew smiled softly as he hugged the younger back,rubbing Gulf's back. "I love you too Gulf,I have always been." Mew said before he broke the hug,making the younger looked at him.

"So now,are you mine,Gulf?" Mew asked him while the younger's face was still full of tears.

"Of course!!And you're also mine!Only mine." Gulf said before he hugged the older possesively. Mew nodded slowly... 'Im always yours,will always be yours' Mew said to himself.


Damn,a big respect for Mew. a real man who knows how to handle his emotions🥺

Hi Mochis! sorry for a lil bit late update😭 I was doing my assignments a little bit and if i can,i'll do a double update okay?❤️

By the way,vote if you like it! It will motivate me to update more❤️ Stay safe Mochis,author love you na~

That's all for now!Byebye Mochis ❤️

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