The mission and when they found out (capture 2)

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Hi welcome back anyways you may not what me to talk a lot so let's get to it.


Neji POV:

As soon as aI work up I had a huge headache but I didn't care because I what to know right now is that WHY AM I NECKED. My clothes was on the floor, as I stood up I look at the time and it was 7:30am it was early so I put this aside for now and did my daily routine.

It took me 45 minute to get ready, to clean up and to eat my breakfast after all of those I what out to see Lee doing his daily training on his hands around the village.

Lee: good morning my youthful friend, neji.

Neji: good morning lee

Lee:oh I almost forgot today our youthful hokaga what us to meet her whit other guys only I had told is you see any of them please be there by 11:00am thank you know I need to go back to practice '69 lap'

Neji: ok thank you lee I see you there by 11am

As I was walking I saw the boys from last night, I what to them to tell them what lee told me.

Neji: hey guys

Shikamaru: *yawn* morning neji. What's up

Naruto: hey neji!

Choji: hey

Sasuke: *nod*

Sai: good morning

Neji: lee told me that lady Tsunade need us boys only at 11am

All of them: ok

Shikamaru POV:

After neji told us that Lady Tsunade need us. I already check the clock it was already 9:23am.Is to early to for this and I still need to know who bought me home last night and know I am over thinking it and my head is still to early for this know that I think of it where is the gir-

Naruto: oi shikamaru we need to go and get choji some food.

I thought choji ate his breakfast what am I thinking this is choji after all
"Yeah yeah I'm coming" this is going to be a drag.


Shikamaru: come on guys is time to go or else we a late

All of the: ok

We were walking to the lady Tsunade office and knocked the door.

Tsunade POV:

I was whiting for the other to come seen lee, kiba ,akamaru and Shino is here that got here very early, until a knock I told them to come in it was the others.

"Good you guys are on time so the reason why I what you guys here is for a mission an s-rank mission." I said seriously, they where listening "and it will take you guys a list 7 years to finish are you clear!?" I said it very loudly.

"Yes. Lady hokage!" they respond "it started know go pack and leave. You are dismiss!" They went out the room to get ready.

I was at the gate to see them of. "Good luck and please come back safe, shikamaru you are the leader for this mission." I said to all of them "I hope you guys will be alright and I might not be the hokage when you guys come back." I laugh at my joke.

Me: Tsunade do not break the Fourth wall let's go back

Tsunade: sorry sorry!!

All the guys: thank you lady tsunade
They jump up and start to go I look at the 'good luck you kids' I look at a ninja "call Sakura and her friends to come to my office please." He bow and went I walk back to my office after I heard a knock i said "come in" five girls came in.
"Good afternoon girls"

No one POV:

"Good afternoon girls"

All: good afternoon lady tsunade

"Ok you might what to know why you guys are here." Tsunade said, they all nodded "will the guys went on a mission a 7 year mission they just left." Tsunade told the, the girls was shock until temari said something "lady tsunade we have to tell you something" temari said, tsunade look and said "speak", "We are pregnant whit..there child" tenten help the speak. Tsunade was shock.

Sorry very long


Shizune was outside the room and open it saying the same as tsunade.

Temari POV:

"Yes we and I what to ask a request" I said looking at the girls knowing what we what. "Chold we leave the village for a will whit our unborn child than come back after a few years" I said loudly whit the girls nodded, shizune and tsunade look at each other and decided to let them

"ok you may go but I what to see them first when you come back and write me a letter when they are born each of you and temari you should tell you brothers about your child" tsunade said to us. I nodded. "Come on girls let's go and pack I need to write a letter soon!" I said as we when out. All of us was packing for the next morning.

The next day

"Will is time" tenten said. "Y-y-y-yes let's" hinata said "alright I got all I need for the time being and told my brothers" temari told tsunade. "Good luck girls and I hope your child will be save when is born" tsunade and shizune said

No one POV:

The girls when on the road to find a new future together whit their unborn child.

Thank you for reading know I need to scold tsunade
Bye and stay safe tell next time and sorry if it is short

Please fellow me and vote thanks you


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