"And then break a leg, no thanks,"

"It's really not scary," Emilio whines on. I look at the shelf on wheels in front of me. A skateboard. Emilio wants me to go skateboarding with him.

"No I'm not gonna do it," I shake my head again. Emilio rolls his eyes playfully.

"Come on you've done that before," he sighs. I frown my eyebrows and look at him confused.

"Uhm no I haven't," I contradict. Immediately Emilio's cheerful face becomes, a somber one. The corners of his mouth pull downward, his eyebrows frown toward each other making it seem like he only has one eyebrow, and the smile lines around his eyes are nowhere to be seen.

"You don't remember?" Emilio whispers softly, his voice breaking at the end of the sentence and he quickly clears his throat.

"Remember what?" I ask completely confused. Emilio sighs and sits down on the floor in a cross-legged position, he pats the spot next to him and I sit down on the floor as well.

"When we were little, I took you outside once in the early morning, no one knew, I hadn't even asked if it was okay," oh I think it's time for a story. "I had my skateboard and I wanted to teach you to skateboard, you were very excited and were jumping when I let you on my skateboard." A sad smile comes to his face.

"And then what happened?" I ask on. Emilio gently shakes his head.

"I don't remember exactly, it was a long time ago but I remember you standing on the skateboard with a cute little pink dress on and me holding your little hands so you didn't fall. You were giggling and cooing with delight the whole time." Emilio looks at me smiling. "You were very cute then," he adds. Fake shocked, I put a hand on my heart.

"And not anymore?" I ask dramatically. Emilio looks at me with an odd look, and still that smile on his face.

"You are still my dear beautiful Principessa," he whispers. For a moment we are silent and look in front of us, both lost in thought. I wish I could remember things from the past, I feel like I'm missing a lot, that there are things I'm supposed to know and don't, and that because I don't know I'm hurting my brothers by doing so. Because they want me to remember, they want me to remember them.

"The others were looking for us, when they saw you were gone they were all panicked , but when they also discovered that I was they got angry because they thought I couldn't take care of you," Emilio shakes his head. "I was young, maybe 6 or 7 but I can take care of my sister, in the end Riccardo found us. And just at that moment you fell," Emilio laughs softly. "Immediately Riccardo came running towards you and took you in his arms, he thought you were crying..." Emilio looks at me with a glint in his eyes. "Actually you were laughing, you were having fun, but Riccardo thought you were in pain. He grabbed you in his arms and started flying all over me. He said things like it was irresponsible of me to take you without anyone knowing, that it was dangerous for me to let you skateboard, blah blah blah," emilio rolled his eyes playfully.

"Had. Riccardo really do all that?" I ask softly. Emilio looks at me inquiringly.

"You really don't remember anything about us do you?" He asks softly. I look down at my hands and shake my head gently. Emilio puts his hand on mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"That doesn't matter, you were very small then it would just be weird if you just remembered everything," for a moment there is silence but then he continues. "Riccardo gave- cares a lot about you. He was very protective of you and if there was anything, even if you only had a small cut by a paper, he would go crazy and want to take you to the hospital immediately," Emilio laughs softly while I frown. Riccardo? Was he really like that?

"What happened... after he flew out at you?" I ask softly. Emilio gets a big grin on his face.

"You said something that made Riccardo lose it completely," he chuckles. I frown.

"What did I say?"

"You asked if you could ride the skateboard again,"

A/N: awwh a little more bonding time with Emilio! And awhh Riccardo was so overprotective!

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A/N: awwh a little more bonding time with Emilio! And awhh Riccardo was so overprotective!

I hope you guys like this chapter, i actually love this chapter it's a sweet and light chapter with no bad toughts.

Yep i know it's short blah blah but I'm hungry so i wanna eat.

Reminder : do what you love, do what you wanna do, be selfish and think for a moment about yourself, take care of yourself, your mind and your body cause you will need them both for the rest of your life <3

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