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      The second activity came up the next week. We all gathered up waiting for the game master. The game master came with a 20leaves notebook in his hand
He cleared his throat and said "This game is going to be a pairing one, Each one of you will get a partner for this game round, This is the list of paired names" he said raising the book up a little

"You all are gonna have an opposite gender as your partner"
"So here are the names. Tracy Kayode and Michael Obi, Adesua Jide and Felix Ohanaka, Andrew Nwachukwu and Zainab Hassan, Laura Okoro and Jake Johnson" He called, I could see Laura's cheek turn into red Tomato, i waited patiently for my name to be called and finally it was called but i was shocked as my partner was called
"Lauretta Okoro and James Walter" He called
WHAT!! Out of all the guys he paired me with this fool

"Excuse me sir" i raised my hand

'What is it Miss Okoro?" He asked eyeing me

"I don't like my partner, I want a change" I said nonchalantly

"Why?" He asked

"I don't like him" I rolled my eye

"Is that your reason?" He asked while looking looking at the book

"Yea, We won't make a great team, I can see it" I scoffed

"Who's your partner?" He asked again

"James" I pointed at him

"Oh Mr Walter, so Mr Walter would you like a change of partner" He asked James

"Change? Nooo" He said giving me an evil mocking smirk

"Okay, so you are stuck with him"

"But sirrrr" I whined

"No buts young lady, Now quiet" He hushed looking a little bit pissed

"So everyone stay close to your partner, The game is about to start, it goes like this, The boy carries the girls on his back and race to the finish line, The first team to reach the finish line wins, Here are the rules, if you reach the tree first without your partner on your back you lose and if you fall down you lose, There are gonna be five sets, Ten teams on each set, Each winners on each set are going to play again until we get our final winner. ARE YOU READY!!" He said, we all chorus 'yes'

The first set got ready with their partners on their backs, The whistle was blown and the guys began to run with the girls galloping on their back. I saw a guy who was running slowly like someone who was damn tired before I knew what was happening he fell down with the girl on his back that was when I noticed that he was paired with a very fat girl, the girl was pissed with him for making her lose as they walked away in shame. I could see Andrew and Zainab taking the lead and in a short second they got to the finish line.

The second set was quick with Damilola and Kelvin winning, I could see Dami blushing during the game. Stacy and Lawrence won the third round, while Chris and Bella won the fourth round.
It was my turn to go, everyone hopped on their partner back except me

How do you expect me to climb on the back of a jerk

He kept on giving me signal to hop on, I looked up and saw the game master glaring at me, i quickly jumped on him

"If I lose you are dead" I whispered

"We'll see baby" he said, I could see him smirk

The whistle was blown as everyone took off, James ran as fast as he could leaving a huge gap behind. He was running like I wasn't even on his back, It felt like I was on a racing bike, his speed was similar to that of Flash, I held him so tight in other not to fall, we were standing at the the finish line in no time as everyone cheered at us.

The five winners of each sets were called to the racing center again, The whistle was  blown as we began to race. Stacy kept hitting her partner violently, The dude got annoyed and threw her down making her winced in pain and glare at him, Chris and Bella were just behind us when Chris missed a step and crashed on the floor with Bella. We were remaining three, Zainab and Andrew were just behind us trying to pass but before they could reach us James had reached the finish line and we were declared the winner, I was soo happy, some of our friends ran towards us with smiles.

The competition ended as we all ran to our hostels, James held my arm trying to draw me back

"What the hell dude" I said glaring at him

"Heyy, cant I talk to my partner again" He smirked making me roll my eyes

"What do you want James?" I asked again

"Nothing, I didn't even get a thank you for helping you to win" He faked a frown

"Okay thanks, Are you okay now" I raised my brows up a little

"Too tough" He muttered


"Oh, it's nothing"

"Good now can I go?" I said with a fake smile plastered on my face

"Um sure, I just wanted us to be friends" He said

"Yea I know, so at the end we'll land on your bed, then you'll say it was a one night stand or just hookup, i know your plan James" I said still trying to release my arm from his grip

Why is his hand so strong?

"Noo, I just want us to be friends that's all, I hate this cold treatment you're giving me please" He said in a sad tone

"Is it by force James, I said I don't want, okay okay because you made me win the race you except me to fall for you, Thats a lie" I said putting my one free hand on my hip

He sighed and released my hand, it felt like my bone was broken as I used my other hand to rub it

"Dude, do you gym, why are you so strong?" I asked still rubbing my released hand

"Yea, sometimes" He chuckled

"No wonder, you almost broke my bone. For a guy with soft palm, your whole body is damn strong" I tapped the hand a little checking if I could feel any pain or broken bones but I guess it was fine

"So back to what we were saying, Leave me alone James" I placed my hands on my hip again

"Umm what if I don't" He smirked

"You know what I won't force you anymore, you are just arrogant" He said and walked out

What a jerk

Hey guys

I know it's not a perfect chapter but I'll try make the next chapter great

Dedicated to  ibby_gal
Check out her story DOUBLE IRIS ❤

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