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     We were all gathered at the open field waiting for the game master to tell us our next game. I stood next to Damilola, I noticed that she wasn't paying attention to us instead she was looking at James and his friends

"Earth to Damilola" I snapped my fingers making her flinch 

"Jesus, you scared me" She placed her left hand on her chest

"I know, you were lost"

"No I wasn't" She defended

"Okay, what was the last thing that was said?" I asked and folded my arms

"Ummmm food" She guessed

"Wrong, We were talking about this game" I facepalmed "I know that you were looking at Kelvin" I wiggled my brows

"Who's Kelvin?" She asked trying to avoid eye contact

"Come on babe, I know everything, I know you have a crush on James friend" I winked at her

"No I don't" She denied, I decided to do a little trick

"Kelvin" I cooed making her blush so hard, the more she tried to hide it the more it apparently shows

"I knew it," I said

"Okay you got me" She rolled her eyes at the same time blushing

"So how did it happen?" I asked

"Well, it started…………."

"Good day people, I'm sorry for my tardiness," The game master said interrupting our conversation, he was with his usual 20 leaves booklet 

Well it's about time he showed up

I could hear some murmurs from the back

"Today, We are gonna be playing Capture the flag, your teams are going to be mixed, the boys group and the girls group," He said and opened the book "I won't waste much time in calling the names" He added

"Laura and her team will be paired with Joshua's team" He called out

I could see Damilola's cheek about to burst as Kelvin and the guys walked towards them.

Yeah Kelvin is on Joshua's team

Some paired team names were called till it was our turn

"Lauretta's Team will be paired with James team" He called

WHAAAT, God why?

I could see a smirk on his face as he and his team walked towards us

"We meet again FireCracker" He whispered to my ear making me glare at him

"This game needs strength and teamwork that's why I paired six boys and six girls together, The rules of this game are simple, Each group will be given a flag, you are to find a secure place to protect your flag, once your flag is captured by another team your team loses, The group who captures the highest flag wins the game" He explained

Different colors of flags were shared to each group

"LET THE GAME BEGINS" The Game master yelled

We all ran to different territories to protect our flags

"We need a plan" I said to the team

"What's your deal with plans" Stacy scoffed but was ignored

"Zainab and Andrew you are gonna get the purple team's flag, Tayo and Stacy you two go for the Blue team's flag…." 

HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER CAMPМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя