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          It was our first bonfire night, my brother had told us about it,  He said it holds once a week till the end of the camp, In this event scary stories would be told and at the end we sing, have fun and go to bed.

  We all wore our pyjamas and nightwears and ran off to the field. We sat on the cold grass circulating the fire in the middle, some people brought their blankets and wrappers while some brought their gloves and socks to protect their bodies from the harsh cold.

Our literature teacher and City High School music teacher sat close to the fire. We were like a hundred teenagers in the bonfire so the tardy ones stayed at our back.

I could see James laughing with his friends about something

Speaking of James I haven't seen him since I told him to leave me alone

The way he laughed made him look cute his deep dimples were visibly shown. He glanced at me making us lock our eyes, I was so lost in his captivating grey eye but before I could realise myself he gave me a flirty wink which made my heart seize a bit, yeah I know he has winked at me me before but this one had something innit.

Cut it out Lauretta, Remember he's the enemy

I saw Stacy smiling sheepishly as she took an empty spot close to James and tried to hold him, James scoffed at her in disgust and stood up with his friends, They walked towards my direction and sat down behind me, I took a little glimpse of him but he caught me and smirked at the same time winking

What's wrong with this dude and winking

I tried not to blush but was betrayed by my hormones as I gave him an apparent blush, Thank God I'm not fair like my sister I could have turned into a red tomato by now

"Awwwww is someone blushing for me" He whispered into my ear

"You wish" I scoffed making him chuckle a bit
I could see Andrew glaring at James.

"Okay people settle down and stop the chatter" The music teacher announced making the place quiet as a graveyard, the only sound that could be heard was that of a distant Owl

"Nice" He complimented himself

"We all know why we're here right?" The literature teacher asked We all chorused a 'yes'

"Nice, we aren't gonna do much just stories, music, and fun before we go to bed ready for tomorrow's game" She announced

I could feel someone's fingers on my braids, I turned back and saw James lost while playing with my braids, I jerked it off his hands and glared at him

"Quite it dude" I growled at him

"Ok firecracker," He said giving me a lopsided smirk


"We are gonna start with the stories, who has a short scary story to tell?" The literature teacher asked, multiples of hands were raised, I bet some of them don't even have scary stories, They just raised their hands for fancy

"You there, What's your name?" She asked pointing at James friend

"Felix" He grinned

"Okay Felix come here and tell us the most scariest story you have in mind," She said, He did a bro hug with his friends before going to the middle of the circle

"Okay start," the literature teacher said and sat down next to the music teacher

" There was a certain village named NO ONE LEAVES" He started

HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER CAMPWhere stories live. Discover now