Chapter 31

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It's been a week after Junho get out off the hospital. He is moreover okay and in a good health.

The tension in the masion was at ease. Everyone seem to be happy and having a good time.

Tho Sumedh nd Mallika were in good state with the relation now but still somewhere the past wound is still there.

Tho unexpectedly Sumedh don't know when Mallika nd Junho has became so close nd good friends.

They hang out with each other nd go to shopping. Nd even Mallika asks him to take her to the city.

"I thought they won't go along..after that fight" Sumedh says looking at Basant nd chuckles.

"Yeah..i didn't thought of it too" the older chuckles.

They were all gathered at the hall beside the fireplace..talking nd chatting.

Sumedh was sitting in between Basant nd Kartikey, beside Basant was Zalak nd then the other two girls....who were sitting besides the three males nd then Mallika sitting between Junho nd Kartikey.

"Well...i don't understand, Sumedh how did you get this powers?" Devesh asks.

Sumedh looked at him, "well it's parents used to have that power and so did i get."

"So they can also control anything or teleport?"

"Well not's like person like us if gets into human life completely then their power will fade away........but if they keep attached with this powers and do what they have taken oath for like saving people nd using it for good deed then it will stay"

"So...if you want your power to stay then you have to prove yourself right?"


"Then...." now Harrsh says, "if that's the case then Kartikey should have powers too" he said looking at Kartikey.

Kartikey looked at the others who were looking at him, he felt uncomfortable and straightens up.

"He is kinda right...but i don't think he will have any.." Sumedh says and drew the attention.


"I mean..when i was kid, i had seen nd taken a lot. So i had to put a lot of effort..even if it was for my wounds or the mental pressure i used to have.
To bring out that inner power you need to have that stamina, focus nd you have to put all your efforts" Sumedh stopped nd looked at Kartikey,

"But he barely saw any nd put any effort...i mean his effort nd work was towards his work nd education, not finding his inner self,  nor was he so mentally ready to take all this..nor even that's why his powers never showed up" Sumedh says and stopped.

"Nd what if....." Kartikey says and looked at Sumedh, "what if i say that the powers showed up"

Sumedh eyes widen as he looked at the youngest one...Basant nd Junho leans a bit in curiosity.

"What you mean?" Basant says.

(Kartikey's Pov) :

Everyone looked at me nd wait patiently for me to speak.

I'm not that good in explaining but they deserve to know the truth right? So yeah.....

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