Chapter 22

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"WHAT? YOU MEET THEM! Wooohh...that must be though right?" Basant almost chocked.

"Yeah..." Sumedh sighed.

"Guess you didn't talked right?"

"Nahh..thanks Junho was there"

" think we will meet them again?"

"Maybe or may not be..i prefer the second one" Sumedh says.

They both took a seat near the fire place and rested their back on the chairs.

"Well...that was a day! Like who ever thought you would be in fire?" Basant starts the convo.

"I know was somehow a special day for me. I got to know my powers!" A smile came on Sumedh's face.

"Or should we say..your powers knows you?" Basant eyed Sumedh who was doing the same.

"Like come didn't called the wind nd rain..they came to save you" Basant chuckels.

"Ya ya whatever..." the younger response.

They both look at the fire place...nd kept quiet.

When the new arrival said,
"It's a pity how such a beautiful nd mesmerising thing as fire is so dangerous"

Both the brothers follows the voice when their eyes met the new arrival.

"Junho?" Basant smiles.

"Hey! Look i bought coffee nd cakes for us" he says as he handed them to Basant who gets up to serve them.

Junho looked at the chair in the corner nd in a blink it moved nd stopped in front of Junho. He turns it around nd took his seat.

"You know -" Sumedh was going to start when cut by Junho,

"It's my home..i can come without knocking so cut your famous dialogue" he mocks Sumedh.

Basant chuckels as he put the food nd drink on the small coffee tabel.

Sumedh pouts and took his coffee to enjoy.

"Zalak? She didn't came?" Basant asks.

"She wants to do some shopping alone so i left her" Junho explains.

"It's not safe for her to stay alone!" Sumedh almost growls.

"Chill....she is wid Ayan. I believe in that guy" Junho sips his coffee.

Soon they finished their doubt it was really good in taste. Sumedh put some more woods in the fire place, nd in minutes the low fire as if got it's energy back again rose up with more heat.

"How long is it you know each other? Nd how?" Junho asks all of sudden.

Sumedh nd Basant looked at each other.

"It won't hurt telling me right?" Junho says.

"Yeah..but why suddenly?" Basant asks.

"Just curious" was the answer.

Sumedh raised his brows...Basant nods.

"Well let's say from first" Sumedh starts the story...

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