Chapter 30

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Sumedh punched the grey wall in front of him, nd sighs. His bruises and cuts were covered with bandages his eyes still swollen nd body weak.

He sits on the nearest chair and hung his head down. As memories comes down the lane.


"He is not breathing for two days" I felt my heart drop when he says that. I don't know why but i felt anger inside me nd somehow i wanted to punch Basant for saying that.

"What do you mean?" Zalak asks in disbelief.

"His pulse i can't feel that" Basant says.

I looked at Junho, nd bent to his chest after some seconds i straightened up nd put fingers in front of his nose.

He is.....

"He is still breathing!" I said and both of them looked up at me. As if a hope is left.

"His breathing rate is almost feels he is not responding. Let's take him to hospital before it's too late"


"Arghh" Sumedh hold his hair tightly in frustration and looked down.

"This was not supposed to happen!" Sumedh says and sighs deeply.

He heard some footsteps coming towards him but he didn't looked up,

"Stop being so hard on yourself"

"How can i not be hard on myself Basant? This is all because of me!!" Sumedh blames himself.

Basant moved and took the seat beside him, he put a hand on his shoulder nd pats,

"It's not your fault, it's not's the Time."

Sumedh looks up. Basant can see how much devastating he looks. He sighs sharply nd continues,

"Funny na? How life put all the characters togather again after so many years. I mean who expected we will meet Mallika nd other friends after so many years. Nd who even thought back when we used to live togather that we will have a brother like Junho nd who thought that his partion will tear us apart.

But as says, everything happens in nature has a reason behind it. I'm sure that there is a reason behind all of this too. I hope nd pray that all we are goin through teaches us something. Something Valuable." He says.

Sumedh looked away. He couldn't think clearly but he knows somewhere what Basant says is not something to shrug off. But an important note.

As he was thinking they heard another footstep nd both the male looked at the arrival.

The doc.

Both of them gets up nd runs toward him.

"Wa- what happened? Is he all okey? Will he make it? Please say something" Both of them shoot questions to the doc.

The doc chuckles akwardly and nods,

"Yes he will. We were afraid he won't make it as we don't have the proper medicine. It was out of stalk. Nd to get a new one it may took a long time. But thanks to the other doc who was carrying it and bring it on time. Junho will be getting back his senses...but please be careful nd not let him panic or make him worry . Other you can talk wid the other doc. So excuse me. Have a good day" the doc bows back as both the leads bows him thankfully.

" MY OTHER SIDE "Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt