Chapter 21

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"Kartikey kaha ja rahe ho?" Harrsh asked who was walking on the garden.

"Bahar.. thought to have some fresh air.
Wanna join?" Kartikey said.

This suprised Harrsh a lil..cause Karikey is one of the loner type..but now if he is asking to join then why not?

"Sure...should we call others?" Harrsh asks nervously.

Kartikey nods.

Harrsh quickly went nd calls everyone.

Soon they went out for a walk.

"This is good." Manisha broke the silence.

"Yeah it's so boring to stay at house all time" Monika agrees.

"Hope something stupid or dangerous won't happen wid us again" Devesh sighs.

"Yeah" the other agrees.

"You know i hate the fact you took me out this morning. I was having a plan to sleep today" Junho wines as he walked beside Sumedh.

"Then why don't you take migration?" Sumedh mocked .

"Ha ha ha varry funny...." Junho rolls his eyes.

Silence....the two walked deep in the forest. The cold wind maked them relaxed. The greenery everywhere makes their soul calm. A sunny yet cloudy day makes the environment lazy.

"So you are not gonna show yourself to them right?" Junho broke the silence.


"Then why my went to help that girl last night?" Junho hums with a smirk.

Sumedh fake coughs.." i didn't showed up you know" he justifies.

"You know what?"


"You are of no fun" Junho sassed.

"As have tried me" Sumedh says in flow but realised that was not what Junho means.

He looked at Junho from coner of eyes...but no need, Junho already burst in laughter.

" don't think before you say right?" he laughs to his heart.

"I sometimes wonder how they choose a dumb like you as God Mountain" Junho continues to tease.

"Oi! I'm warning you" Sumedh glares..but Junho didn't cares he just pushed Sumedh on back ...tho he didn't meant to push hard, but due to his uncontrolled laughter he did so and Sumedh almost slips from his place and went few steps forward just to collided with someone.

"Ow!" Both of them said in unsion.

Junho who saw it quickly controls himself and went to help Sumedh when he saw that the other guy was not alone, but with a bunch of ppl wid him.

Sumedh opens his eyes slowly to met a familiar eye...

'Kinshuk?' He thought to himself .

Kinshuk who was also figuring the familiar guy cuts from his thought when another voice said,

"Waaoo! What a modern approaching dude!"

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