Chapter 25

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"Mr.Kinhyuk it has been days that we are staying, our vacation is coming to an end. We can't stay here longer...please try to find a car sooner" Kinshuk says as he put his coffee aside.

"Surely. You know sir I'm trying my best" the other says lowering his head.

He bows and leaves.

"I don't think it will work...." Devesh says as he turns his head towards Harrsh.

"Maybe we should go and check out ourselves" Harrsh suggests.

"Nd it will work?" Mallika asks.

"Not sure..but you know. Being an tourist here it may help. Like they really treat their tourists very good" Harrsh elaborates.

Mallika nods in agreement .

"Then let's go" Kartikey says, "if we get a car then we'll book the tickets of flight online" he says.

"Let's go now never know it can take  long, nd we have to comeback before the sky gets dusk" Kinshuk says.

They went to their rooms nd gets presentable. After a short time all of them went out without telling the other two inside.


"We should have told them before coming right?" Mallika says looking at Kartikey, but he looks at other direction and walks away.

Mallika feels, Kartikey for some reason is avoiding her. Well he is not making anything obvious but she has this feeling.

"No need to think of it now...we are already at the booking place" Harrsh says patting her from behind.

"Let's ask the janitor if he knows whom to talk with" Devesh says and went to talk with the guy near the door.

After some minutes of words exchang he returns back to his group.

"What?" Kinshuk asks.

"Up stairs nd we will find the manager" he says nd they rush to find him.

"Hello Sir, how can i help you?" The manager says.

"Look we need a car soon. We are trying to hire a car for long but we didn't get one. They says all are out due to the season..but now our vacation is going to end so we have to go back soon" Kinshuk explains to the manager.

The manager looks confused, " You came to find a car here many times?"

Harrsh chuckles awkwardly, " Ha ha yeah..isn't it the only place we can get a car here" he says.

The manager clears his throat, "AHm! Yeah surely but I'm confused as you said you came before nd didn't find a car..." he says making the others confused.

"Wh-what you mean?" Devesh says.

"I mean we never ran out off shortage of cars. If you have came here before we would have definitely give you one. This is the speciality of this place we never run out off shortage of cars" the Manager explains leaving the others struck in shock.

Well they didn't say anything, but quickly made a deal and came out.

They walked back to their place but was confused of Why Mr.Kinhyuk lied them? Different questions with different logics were playing inside their heads. They can't come to any conclusions but they need a PROPER ANSWER.

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