Chapter 4

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"At LAST!!" Devesh stretched his arms when they get out of the train. Yes at last they reached their destination.

"Yeah at i hope Mr.Roy had sent the car for us" Monika said.

They were going to stay at Mr.Roy's farmhouse. The place is not so famous but those who have gone will surely agree that the people there are just like family. They love their guests like God nd took a great care of them.

It was Kartikey nd Harrsh who contacted with Mr.Roy. He agrees to give his farmhouse from which mountains can be seen.

And he also said that food will be provided by a cook which will be set by Mr.Roy, also a car will be sent to them for their whole journey
And what said is done, Mr.Roy had sent his car with a driver who is medium in height..fair.. age seems to be 35 to 40. Greyish hair wearing the driver's uniform nd a small in his face.

As soon as he saw the six people standing together he ran to them and bowed.." hello sir..I'm Kun your driver" he said showing his all teeth."You are guests of Mister Roy?" He asked them in his native accent.

"Oh yeah we are.....nice to meet you Mr.Kinhyuk" Harrsh said and put his hand forward to shake hands.

Mr.Kinhyuk did so.....nd asked them to follow him,
"Come..come with me"

All of them followed Mr.Kinhyuk to his car soon they settled themselves in the car and went for their location.

As the car started a fresh wind hits them which gave them happiness. The black road was lying like a carpet nd cold winds touched their skin softly.Greenery everywhere forest everywherend one side a tea noise of vehicles like back in the city. No crowd here nd there..ppl working at the tea garden in a bunch smiling nd talking. Kids running on the side of road waving at the new comers in the car who waved them back. Melody chirping of birds greeted them along with sweet smell of flower. Little wodden huts stood on there places to keep the family safe and protected.
Butterflies playing on the flowers nd on top The Sun shining and greeting everyone with its ray.

"This is so peaceful" Monika broke the silence.

"Yes..truly, if only we can leave that city behind us and stay here for rest of our life" Devesh added.

"Nothing is more beautiful than the nature's true" Mallika said.

Everyone just admired the beauty of nature.

Soon they reached on their location. Everyone came out and stretched for a while. They have been sitting all day.

The housekeeper came out with a bright smile on his face. He seemes to be a very jolly person. Not so tall in height but good for work. Age of 30 to 35. Fair, have small eyes with almost seemes closed when he smiles.

He came to them and said, " Namaste Sir. I'm Minhyuk. The housekeeper. I'll serve you while you stay here. It's nice to meet you" he said in his native accent.

"Nice too meet you too nd thank you for welcoming us" Devesh smiled.

"Umm..can i ask something?" Kartikey speaked looking at Minhyuk.

"Are you nd Mr.Kinhyuk brothers?" He asked.

"Ohh yes! We are..he is the older one" Minhyuk answered smiling while helping his brother with the luggage.

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