Chapter 8

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"Ajj toh bhai temple chalte hai!" Devesh said as he took a seat beside Harrsh who was having his breakfast.

"Not a bad idea tho" Kinshuk agrees.

It's been 2 days and they haven't went out as for the landslide. But as known today Mr.Kinhyuk said the road is clear and safe to go.

"So we are leaving after breakfast?" Mallika asked.

"Yes! Get ready.." Harrsh said and the ladies went.

"Yeh bhi na..." Harrsh mocked.

"Leave na....btw where is Kartikey?" Kinshuk asked suddenly.

Devesh was goin to answer when Kartikey came his lower part of pant wet and mud sticking on his right shoulder.

"How was the war?" Harrsh asked.

"War?" Kartikey asks in uncertainty.

"Yeah..look at you seems like you won the war" Harrsh jests.

Devesh and Kinshuk chuckles.

Kartikey looked at himself, " I'll get changed" he said ironically and went.

"Isse kya hua? No reply nd nothing..?" Kinshuk said.

"Hmm...nevermind" Harrsh said taking a sip of his juice.

Soon they were ready and hoped in their car for their destination. The sky was not fully cleared some part was still covered by dark clouds. The morning shower was still visible on the road. Small birds chirp in melody voice and people moving for their jobs.

By the time it was noon they reached the temple. It was The Buddhist Temple. All of them were already shock to see how big the entrance was and it's top is made of pure gold.

"The king who leaved here made this temple" Mr.Kinhyuk said.

"The king must be very wealthy" Harrsh says as he looks round.

"Aha..he was! His wealth is still used for the village developments" Mr.Minhyuk explains.

"Still?" Devesh asked in revelation.

"Yes..when British came and started to rule our king already put half of his wealth in a secret place and the remaining was taken by British" Mr.Kinhyuk explicate.

"I see" Kinshuk utters.

"So you all know where are those half wealth hidden?" Monika asked in curious.

"No i don't - " Mr.Kinhyuk just started to explain when he was cut by a monk who was hearing them.

"No one knows where it is " The monk said.

And everyone turns round to see a monk wearing their traditional dress, soft smile on his face, his head is fully shaved....nd age maybe of thirty.

Mr.Kinhyuk and others bowed to show respect and the monk nodded.

"If no one knows where it is then how is it used in development " Harrsh asked.

"It is only known by the superior monk!" He said.

"Superior monk?" Manisha furrowed.

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