Fu Yuanchuan filled up the water and put the little mermaid in the fish tank.

The fish tank is placed at the head of the bed.

Turning off the light, the room dimmed instantly.

"good night."



After that incident, the imperial leader was quiet for a few days.

Fu Yuanchuan took the opportunity to release the news of his serious illness and simply took this opportunity to recuperate at home without taking care of the affairs there.

As a result, the leader of the empire sent someone to find the door.

Fu Yuanchuan received the news early in the morning, but was not in a hurry to go down. Instead, he stayed with the little mermaid in the bedroom for a while.

The little mermaid was sleeping on his pillow.

The spiritual power of the little mermaid is too closely related to his spiritual power.

Fu Yuanchuan's vigilance is not low, but the little mermaid's spiritual power is not within his vigilant range.

I don't know when the little mermaid ran out of the fish tank.

It's just that the water on the body is almost dry now, and the time to come out should not be short.

Just when Fu Yuanchuan wanted to wipe some water on the little mermaid's tail, the little mermaid opened his eyes.

"Woke up?"

"Um... Yeah." Jun Qingyu squinted his eyes, sleepiness made his brain react very slowly.

He looked at Fu Yuanchuan, reached out his hand against his mouth, then leaned close to Fu Yuanchuan, curled up and continued to sleep.

Fu Yuanchuan's expression moved slightly. Does this mean that he is not allowed to speak?

Fu Yuanchuan didn't pull the little mermaid's hands down either, but just like that, said softly: "Little fish, I'm going down."

"Eh~" Jun Qingyu heard the voice and responded in a low voice.

Seeing that he was too sleepy to open his eyes, Fu Yuanchuan did not propose to take him down with him. Instead, he quietly got up and went downstairs to deal with those people.

Jun Qingyu could perceive Fu Yuanchuan's departure while he was half-dreaming and half-awake.

He wanted to go down with him, but he couldn't open his eyes inexplicably sleepy, and opened his mouth, so sleepy that he could even speak.

After Fu Yuanchuan left, he didn't want to sleep alone in the big bed.

Simply enter the space to bubble the spring water, wanting to use this to refresh myself.

I don't know if it is due to the season, especially if I soak in spring water, I feel even more sleepy.

Jun Qingyu stretched out, planning to run in the spring for a while before going out.

Anyway, Fu Yuanchuan went downstairs and broke with the people on the side of the empire leader.

I can't come back for a while, and going out will be boring, so it's better to soak in spring water.

When the fish's tail moved, Jun Qingyu was stunned and looked down at the water.

There seems to be something wrong with the spring water, and the water level seems to be lowered?

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