As Luffy was chasing the wondering dragonfly his face suddenly gets spits at by none other than the one and only Ace, ma guy look piss as hell.

"What is this?.. ugh, spit! Gross! who did this?!" Luffy looks around him and spots Ace sitting on tonight's dinner. "oi! apologize! it's gross!" Luffy demeaned, you grab your handkerchief from your bag and wipe off the spit from his face. Grap turns around "Ace!" he beamed

"Ace, you back!?" Grap said walking toward us and continue "Luffy, (y/n), this is ace. he's 3 years old than the both of you. you're gonna live here with them from now on."

"What?! you can't just do that!" Dadan complains in the background 

Luffy glares at Ace.




Ace glares at Luffy...




(y/n) trying so hard to not be a pedophile.




"Be nice!" Grap said loudly bonking Luffy on the head while Dadan and her family(?) cried out "it is decided?!"

"you got a problem with it?" Grap asked sending them a glare scaring the mountain bandit who has no choice but to accept their fate as a babysitter "we'll take him!"

"well that all for me. I'll visit when I have time!" he said walking back to his warship while lazily waving his hand

"umm... how about some child support?"

"put it on my bill."

"This is not a bar..."




 "I hate mountain bandit!" Luffy blurted out 

"shut it brat! we're already tired with the likes of you! if you don't like it here then get out and stave to dead!" Dadan was pissed about how Grap treated her and her family by letting raise Ace and to more add more fuel to the fire, he decided to drop two more kids at her place, without child support too at that!!

"This is too little. I want more meat!" Luffy complains, you being a 'very nice person' gives him your share of meat that you proudly stole from the other bandit, Dadan included. "here Luffy, you can have mine!" you handed him your food  to which the rubber boy gladly accepted

"thank you (y/n)!" he smiled and instantly devour the food, "hey old man, I want more!" Luffy calls out

"This meat is from the buffalo Ace captured! if you want more go catch some your own! and I'm not a man, I'm a woman" Dadan yelled, "a bowl of rice and a cup of water a day, that all you can have!"

"Okay" he blurted, Dadan fall face-first onto the floor and yells (again) "you agree? you were supposed to cry!?"

"Yeah Luffy, you were supposed to yell!" you add-in

"Really?" "yeah!" "STUD UP YOU BRAT!"

Luffy saw Ace leaving, he stands up, grabbed your hand and followed Ace "Where is Ace going?"

"Oi don't just leave!" "UGHH! look at them!! they're too strong... that's why I don't want to take care of Grap's grandkids!!"


"HEYYY!! I'm Luffy! and this is (y/n)! I am not angry about you spitting on me anymore, so let's be friends!" Luffy shouted with a smile to Ace who was very annoyed by the rubber kid, he turns and kicks the tree nearby him and walk to somewhere else. the tree round down the hill towards you, Luffy let out a scream and run as fast as he can down the hill while you just stand there and for the rolling tree to roll to you.

 You kick the broken tree breaking it into pieces in the process. You tell Luffy to keep going, he does as said and chase after Ace and onto an old bridge that was about to break in half. Ace, who was halfway across the bridge realise that someone was following him looks back and was quite dumbfounded to see Luffy behind him.

he has an annoyed face on him and turns back to run, Luffy who was behind chased him until he was halfway through the bridge. the bridge breaks in half and with Luffy falling into the river.

Now back to you who is currently laying on the ground trying to catch your breath after trying to follow Luffy behind, he unintentionally left you behind to follow Ace.

"Damn those brats... how much stamina do they have?('ロ '#)"


to be continued~

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