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Collapsing against a wall, Thor and I stood there, panting. We would still be letting off a small chuckle here and there.
I have not laughed like that in quite some time," Thor said, turning to me. Seeing his sincere face covered in pop tart icing set me off into another fit of giggles.
"What is so funny, Lady Avallone?" He asked, his face growing confused. This caused me to laugh even harder and soon, I was having trouble breathing.
"We should get cleaned up," I said to the god of thunder. He nodded his agreement and we parted; he to his room and me to my own.


I splashed my face with water one last time and then dried it. Emerging from my bathroom, I was suprised to find Loki sitting on a couch in my lounge.
"What are you doing here, baby face?" I asked while casually pouring myself my second glass of wine for the day. In response, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I was bored, and I knew that the man of iron would be furious with you." I nodded and offered him some wine, which he declined.
Taking a seat on the couch, I asked, "Are you getting bored without me to harass you, baby face?" I could feel a smug look creeping across my face, and I did nothing to stop it.
Instead of getting angry, like I expected him to do, he started to chuckle. "Your annoying ways have been missed only slightly, I must say, but only slightly." He emphasized the word only. I was quite shocked with his response, and didn't speak for a few minutes.
"When are you leaving?" Loki asked me, suddenly. "In two months," was my steady reply. He nodded and muttered 'hmm'.
He looked at me with his eyes, which now seemed slightly green. "Who are you taking with you? His slightly accented voice questioned. I swallowed, and mentally set a block around the answer. He is not getting to it just yet. "You'll find out with the rest of the group." I replied, nonchalantly.
Immediately, his smug look disappeared and was replaced with an unbecoming frown. "I was hoping that it would not be so." He said, leaning very close and whispering in my ear.
His cold breath sent shivers down my spine, and yet it made me feel all warm inside.
I stiffened.
Now, I could feel that he had presses himself against my side, and was breathing on my neck.
"Avallone, I-" He started, Tony opened the door and said, "Ha! I knew I would find you here. I've already talked to- What the heck?!" His happy and pleased expression was immediately clouded when he saw how close Loki was to me.
"Get away from her, you bastard!" Stark shouted, lunging at him. I squealed and shuffled to the other side of the couch.
Tony had Loki by the neck when I yelled, "Put the demi god down, Stark!" They both glared at me, obviously for different reasons, and Tony threw him to the floor.
"What was he doing?" He asked, stepping over a sputtering Loki.
In response, I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Nothing. He was trying to know who I was going to choose to take with me on my mission." Tony's features lit up and he perched himself on the edge of the couch, "And what did you tell him"
I wacked him softly over the head. "The same thing I will tell you: you'll find out with the rest of these misfits!" Those weren't quite the same words I used, but it got my point across.
Stark just nodded, picked Loki up and left with a small wave.
Leaning back into my couch, I smiled and took a large sip of my wine. I think I just shamed out Tony Stark.

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