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"Natasha, you look fantastic." I said, taking a deep breath in and spinning my best friend around. She mumbled, "I don't know. I don't think that this dress is right for me."
I shook my head and adjusted her curls one last time before turning her to a mirror and whispering in her ear, "I'm sure that Clint would love it." She gasped and whirled around. I shrieked, afraid she would ruin her dress. "How did you find out about that?!" She asked angrily. I backed into the corner and held my hands up. "It was just a rumour I heard. I was testing to see if it was true."
"And was it?" She asked me, coming closer. I gulped and squeaked, "Yes." Nat burst into laughter and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Avallone, you never cease to amaze me. Now, where is your dress?"


"Is it done?"I asked, my words muffled by the hands the blindfold. "Yes," She said, and wipped off the black piece of cloth. I stumbled for a a few seconds and then walked towards the mirror. I gasped when I saw myself in the most beautiful, blue dress.
"It's a parting gift. You probably won't use it much, but then again, you have a great love for clothes." Natasha said, fixing one of the ruffles. I squealed in delight and ran over to my bag.
"And here, is mine." I said, pulling out my present that was wrapped in Avengers wrapping paper. She ripped it open and gasped when she pulled out a bracelet. It had a black chain thing and a silver heart pendant. Inscribed on the pendant were Natasha and I's name.
She hugged me and slipped it on her wrist, "I love it." She whispered into my ear.
"Shall we go?" I asked, pulling out her embrace. She nodded and slipped her arm through mine.
As we approached the ball room door she stopped. "I don't want to leave this place." She said, her voice barely audible. I nodded and squeezed her arm tight. "I don't want to you to leave." She nodded and I saw a tear roll down her cheek.
I wiped it away and asked, "Ready?" She nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be."

When we walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. We were not the only girls there, but we seemed to attract the most attention.
From the corner of my left eye I saw Clint running towards us and I walked around Natasha, making sure she was on my left side. "Wha-" She started to ask but Clint was standing in front of her.
"You look gorgeous." He breathed. I quietly slipped away and escaped to Stark.
"Hello, Doll face." He said, catching me as I tripped on my own dress. "Man, I'll rip this thing by the end of tonight." I said, slapping at the ruffles that seemed to pop up out of nowhere.
I heard some chuckles behind me and I turned to see Thor, Bruce and Captain laughing at a distant table. I watched them for a few minutes before Bruce looked up and stared at me. Slowly Thor and Captain looked up. I smiled and walked over to the table.
"Hello, gentleman." I said, doing a slight curtsy. Thor laughed and said, "M'lady. You look absolutely ravishing on this fine evening." Bruce voiced his agreement but Steve was quiet. "Cat got your tongue Captain?" Tony asked, waltzing up to the table.
Rogers swallowed and said, "N-no I j-just-" His voice was drowned with laughter and he blushed. "Oh Cap'ain. We all fall for a girl sometime. And you've definitely fallen for one of the best." Tony said, slapping him on the back.
Steve went bright red and I looked away, feeling very uncomfortable. I noticed a girl with long, curly brown hair standing alone in the corner and I walked over to her.
"Hi, my name is Avallone." I said, sticking out my hand. She smiled and took it, "I know who you are. I'm Skye." I smiled back and we made some small talk and I excused myself, wanting to be alone.

I sidled over to the punch and took some. Then I went and sat down on a two-person table by myself.
"May I sit here Miss Avallone?" A voice said above my head. I nodded, knowing who it was. "You look absolutely stunning this evening," He said, with a slight blush. I laughed and threw my head back, "Why thanks, Cap. I think you look pretty smashing yourself." He blushed and played with some lace on the table.
Suddenly I heard the door creak open and some people gasped. I heard a low growl come from somewhere in the room and I twisted in my seat to see who it was.
Looking up, I made eye contact with Loki and he smirked and walked straight over to my table. "Good evening miss. May I have your first dance?" He said, with a super sexy smile.
I turned to Steve but he seemed preoccupied so I stood up and accepted his outstretched hand. He led me to the center of the ball room and I nodded at Tony and he told Jarvis to start some music.
The song Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran started playing and I blushed slightly. As we swayed together to the music I whispered, "You know this doesn't apply to us, right?" Loki looked down and smirked, "I know."
I breathed a sigh of relief and glanced over at Steve. He was watching us out of the corner of his eye and I felt my heart drop. Loki saw that I was watching Steve so he twirled me around so I couldn't see Rogers anymore.
"Hey." I said, glaring at him. "Your welcome." He said with a smirk. I poked out my tongue and we kept dancing.
More couples had gathered on the floor and I was delighted to see that Natasha and Clint were partners. I looked over to Tony and saw him with a strawberry blonde girl. They looked in love and I sighed happily.
The music stopped and I let go of Loki, and practically ran over to Captain. "Come on," I said, pulling at his muscular arm. He laughed and stood up and took my hand and we walked to the dance floor.
Close Your Eyes by Meghan Trainor started playing and we slow danced to the beat. He pulled me in closer so I was against his chest. I smiled and rested my head over his heartbeat and I could hear the repetitive beating.

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