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"Avallone! Would you like to dance?" A voice asked, sitting down beside me. The next song hadn't started. We were just waiting for the DJ to pick a song to play.
"Uhh, Cap, I don't know. I was planning on sitting this one out." I said uneasily. I didn't want to offend the sweet guy. Steve's face immediately dropped and he was silent. Great.
"Okay, I'll dance with you, and then I'll take a break." I said, making amends. His face brightened up and he grabbed my hand before I could even stand up. He pulled me to the dance floor and the DJ put on the next song.
As we danced to the song My Everything, I felt uncomfortable. I know that Steve really likes me, but I don't feel the same way about him. Maybe dancing with him wasn't such a good idea.
"Avvy." Steve said, looking down at me with his blue eyes. I swallowed and looked up. Our faces were just inches away from each other, and I felt super uncomfortable.
"Mmm." I replied, trying not to open my mouth. It's a good thing I perfected the art of breathing through my nose by a young age. Steve gently placed his face onto my hair. "I really missed you." He mumbled onto the top of my head.
I felt his breath warm my hair, yet I shuddered. This just didn't feel right.
"I missed everyone so much." I replied.
He took his face off the top of my head and looked back into my eyes. "Who did you miss the most?" He asked me, searching my face for the answer. I hope he wouldn't be able to find it.
"Natasha." I said, half telling the truth. I did miss her the most. But I also missed Loki just as much. So, therefore, it was still the truth.
He nodded and let me go. The song had ended and we walked away in opposite directions.
Looking back at his retreating figure, I couldn't help but wonder if I had offended him in some way.
I sighed and took a seat at an empty table. Why does living with the Avengers have to be so hard? Why couldn't it just be care free and easy?
My head plonked itself down on the table, and I felt like screaming. My frustration was building up and it was hard to hold it in.
"Avallone. Are you okay?" Pepper asked me, taking the other empty seat. I lifted my head and nodded. But just because I nodded doesn't mean that my answer agreed with it. If anyone was watching they wouldn't be concerned; my logic.
"No, I feel so frustrated, and I don't know why." I let out a small groan and placed my head back on the table.
"Oh, Avvy. I kind of understand how you feel. Being friends with the Avengers isn't the easiest, and I'm sure living with them would be so much harder." She said, patting my hand sympathetically. "Maybe you should come and stay at my place for a bit. I'm sure that would be fine. You could still spend time at the tower for training and everything, but we would just hangout at my place."
I looked up and bit my lip. Attractive as it sounds, I know that it just wouldn't be right. "Thanks so much for the offer Peps, but you know I can't take it. I have to train and I need to be at the tower lots to do that." My excuse seemed pathetic.
But Pepper took it and nodded. "It's okay, I understand."
"What are you lovely ladies talking about?" Tony asked, pulling up a chair and seating his rich ass down on it. "I offered Avallone a small getaway." Pepper simply replied. She must be pretty open with Tony. If I had a boyfriend, that wouldn't be something that I would tell him. Stark nodded and turned to me.
"And your answer was?"
I looked at my hands that lay across the table. "I said no. I can't leave the tower. I just got back." I said, quickly coming up with a different excuse. What is wrong with me? I am totally off tonight! My emotions are everywhere and I just can't control them.
Wait, I forgot to take my pills. That's why I am just so GAAAAHHH.
"Excuse me." I said, getting up and hurrying out of the room.
I ran to my bedroom and quickly took my pills. They would take affect soon. I should probably stay here until they do. I leaned against my bed with a sigh.
Suddenly, my door opened and in walked Director Fury.
"Agent." He said, taking a seat and sitting down. I gave him a curt nod, but no reply. He was here for business, and I am shitting myself.
"I have a mission for you. But seeing as you have never actually gone on one before I will assign another agent to go with you. Here's the information. Look it over, and then get back to me. Maybe you could even suggest an agent that you would like to come along with you." He said, handing me a confidential file and then leaving my room.
I opened it up and scanned the pages.
The mission was a long one. It could take up to a year, minimum. Me, and the other agent, were going to go to Europe as potential business partners with a huge company. Half of the company was actually the proper company, but the other half, or so, was actually training assassins and the like. It wasn't like S.H.I.E.L.D. though. It was a training facility for 'evil' assassins. We would have to get on the inside and shut it down.
They needed me because I was a new face that no one had seen before. The other agent would just be telling me what to do and stuff, probably. It was just a guess.
I shut the file and made my way back to the ballroom.
I danced the rest of the night, and a little bit of the morning away, and then went to bed.

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