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With a flashing smile to the whole group, I seated my rear end on one of the couches next to Thor. He returned my smile, as did the others, and started to strike up a conversation with me.
"How are you, m'lady?" He asked me, taking a bite of his breakfast. I smiled inwardly at being called a 'lady' and replied, "I am very well Thor, and you?"
He nodded his response and swallowed his food. "We are all eager to know whom you have chosen to accompany you on this endeavour." He said, making the whole room go quite.
I was expecting the subject to come up, but not this soon. I shrugged my shoulders and kept my mouth shut. I still hadn't devised a way to tell them all, and I wanted to to be extravagant and memorable.
The conversation slowly started to trickle back, and within a minute, the room was back to how it was before I got here, well, at least, that's what I assume.
Upon finishing my food, I took my plate to the sink and announced, "I'll be in the training room, if any of you so need me." I turned on my heel and quietly walked out of the room, trying not to think about the stares of two particular people.


The punching bag swung to and fro as I took a quick gulp of water. I had been attacking the poor thing for over an hour, and I felt the need to move on from it.
I unwound the white material from my hands and chucked it into my bag.
With a loud exhale, I walked off to my next desired training session: archery.
I picked up one of the smaller bows that hung on the wall. There was an intricate design carved on it, and instinctively, I lightly ran my fingers over it, finding pleasure in the raised design.
I took a deep breath and selected a quiver of arrows before turning to my target, which stood a while off.
Steadying myself, I took my aim and released the arrow. It was a little of the mark, but I was pleased, and strung another arrow to the bow.


Hours later, I steadied myself and closed my left eye. The end of the gun was pointed at the center of the target, and I fired. The bullet hit my mark, and I smiled to myself.
It only took a few hundred tries before I actually hit the center, but I was still super proud of myself.
I lowered the gun, placed it on the tray that was next to me, and picked up another. I fired it, hitting the very middle of the target and preceded to do it with every single gun that lay on the table.
When I was finally finished, I wheeled the tray over to the wall, and grabbed some water before heading to my room. I desperately need a shower after many hours of training.
I checked the clock that hung on my wall, and was quite surprised to find that it was an hour past lunchtime.
After a quick and refreshing shower, I changed into some simple clothes and made my way to the kitchen, to get myself a cool drink.

Loki's P.O.V.
I lounged lazily in the large room, letting the Midguardain food settle in my stomach.
When Avallone hadn't shown herself for food, I couldn't hide my surprise, which earned a few hating looks from the 'Avengers'. But it was something that mattered not to me, so I brushed their pathetic looks aside.
Raising my eyes, I looked to the door as it opened. In walked Avallone, and I found myself wanting to be seated more . . . . attractively. I huffed inwardly, and pushed the desire deep down. It was foolery anyway.
She didn't seem to notice me as she made her way into the kitchen, and I didn't desire to make my presence known to her just yet. I watched her with idle curiosity as she opened the cooling container and took out some form of meat.
Quickly, she found and gathered some other ingredients and put them all together to form a sandwhich. With a smile, she opened up the cooler again and took out a bottle.
Avallone opened it up and reached for a glass, pouring some red liquid into it. After replacing the bottle, she swirled the liquid around before raising it to her nose, and inhaling. Odd.
I moved in my seat, trying to get a better look and understanding as to exactly what she was doing. Here eyes snapped up as she caught my movement.
"Loki." She said quietly, setting the glass down. I smirked inwardly, deciding to tease her. "Yes, that is my name. Don't wear it out." Her face fell, whatever emotion that was there completely gone.
"Hmm." She mumbled to herself, taking to sand which and glass of red liquid with her as she exited the room.

Avallone's P.O.V.
I shut the door behind me and heaved an almost inaudible sigh. What the heck was that about? In answer to my own question, I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the elevator. I needed some quiet time, and what's the best place for quiet and peace? A library!
Pushing the button to the floor I wanted, the elevator's doors shut and I was wizzed to the level I had chosen.
I stepped out of the lift and made my way to the library, intending to sit in my favourite spot.
The door clicked shut and I turned to go to the window seat, but found it already occupied.
"I didn't think that you would be the type of person to come here, Rogers." I stated, setting my lunch down on a nearby table. Steve looked away from the window, startled.
His eyes searched the room for the owner of the voice. "Avallone, I didn't think you were the type of person to drink." He remarked, getting off the window seat and coming towards me.
I looked down at the red wine in my hands and shrugged. "I'm celebrating." I said, flatly. I looked back up at Steve and found him watching me, probably trying to read my expression.
I raised my eyebrow, "Yes?" Steve blushed slightly, and looked away, to one of the shelves of books. "You are quite confusing sometimes, Miss Clancy." He said, using the title that he had used some time ago.
With a light laugh I walked over to one of the bookshelves. "It's something that comes in handy, if you must know." My fingers ran lightly over the books as my eyes roamed the many titles.
Wrapping my fingers over the top of the cover, I pulled a book from the bookshelf and walked over to the table. I placed my red wine down and opened the book.
The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring.
I could feel the Captain's curious stare over my shoulder. With a slight turn, I addressed him, "Have you never seen a book before, Cap?" His slight chuckle came, his breath hitting my ear. He must be mighty close.
I closed the book with a bang and grabbed my food and wine before taking my favourite spot; the window seat.
"I was actually sitting there." Steve remarked, a small smile playing on his lips. I returned his smile before quickly eating my sandwhich and opening up the book.
The last time I was reading the first book of the LOTR trilogy, was back in my house above my cafe. Therefore, it was a while ago, and I think I left my copy there accidentally.
"Avallone," A voice called my name. I looked up at Clint and smiled. Across the room, Rogers stiffened and look between us quickly. "Is there something you need, Clint?" I asked my friend.
Barton nodded and I slowly closed my book and got up to follow him. As I walked through the doorway, I looked back and saw Steve's clouded expression.
I sighed, and closed the door.

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