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"Captain! I have a mission for you." I said waltzing into the training room. "Ahh, correction. We." Loki said behind me. I sighed, "Fine, we have a mission for you." Steve stopped punching the bag and turned to me, "Just a second. I need to get cleaned up."
It's been two days since our visit to London. And weirdly enough, after that trip Loki and I have become really good friends. We have found that we have a lot in common, mischievous-wise.
"Okay. Meet us at the bottom of the tower in ten." I said walking out of the training room. Loki smiled evilly at me, "This should be fun."


"So, what is my mission?" Rogers asked looking intently at me. I shuddered a little under his gaze but didn't show it outwardly. "You see that lady over there? Well she stole something and put it her basket. She stole it off the shelves and she isn't going to pay for it. We need you to take it back and put it away." His eyes widened as he looked at the little old lady. "She stole that packet of bacon." I said, seeing a packet in there.
Loki jumped in and helped me with my mischief, "But you can't just walk up to her and tell her she has done wrong. That little old lady is secretly a young man in disguise. He can't know that you are taking something. He is not allowed to see you take it." I suppressed a giggle and faked seriousness. "You have to get it before she leaves. Go. We will be outside."
Loki and I hid around the corner and we watched Steve sneak up to the woman. She put down the basket and went to get something of the shelf and he took the bacon out and placed it back with the other bacon.
I motioned to Loki and we walked into the dairy isle. Suddenly he snorted and burst into laughter. His snort caused me to laugh and we both stood there like laughing maniacs.
Minutes later he wiped his eyes and said, "I have never had fun like that in years." I nodded and continued laughing. "Watch this." I said, grabbing a tub of icecream and strutting up to the counter.
I could feel Loki's stare on my back and I straightened my posture and stuck my nose in the air. "That will be six dollars." I stared at the man in mock horror. "Excuse me?!" I cried out in a very pronounced American accent. He looked at me shocked, "Yes?" I snorted and said, "Do you know who I am? My social class does not have to pay for these petty things." The guy stared at me, confused. "Do I have to explain?" I said, sounding horrified. He nodded slowly.
I snorted again and said, "I am Nancy Stark, daughter of Tony Stark. I'm sure the name sounds familiar." I said. The man'e eyes widened and he croaked, "He has a daughter?" I scoffed, "Yes he has a daughter! YOU ARE LOOKING AT HER!" People started to stare and I decided to wrap it up.
"Now, put this on my daddy's tab or otherwise I'll call the cops." I said, staring the man in the eyes. He nodded and I was amazed that Tony had a tab here, but I didn't let it show.
I huffed angrily at the man before strutting out with Loki close behind me. "That was hilarious! He was so confused!" He said, laughing. I nodded and walked over to Captain. "Good job! You did great. But now the people here know who you are, so you shouldn't come here anymore." I said, tying up the loose ends.
The real reason I didn't want him going there anymore because he was probably on camera and he would get in trouble if they saw him. Steve nodded and we drove over to Stark tower.


"Where did you get Nancy from?" Loki asked me as I surfaced. I shrugged, "It is similar to Clancy, and it was the first name that popped into my head." He nodded and let his feet dangle in the pool. "It was funny to watch."
"Thanks. Maybe I should become an actress." I said before I dived under the water. When I came back up Stark was there talking to Loki.
I must have made a noise because Tony looked over at where I was and started yelling at me. I quickly dived ad held by breath for as long as I could.

Tony's P.O.V.
I started yelling at Avallone for posing as my daughter but she quickly dived back under. I waited for about two minutes and then I started to get worried. It wasn't normal for a person to hold their breath for longer than two minutes.
I turned to Loki and said, "Reindeer games, I think there is something wrong." He looked at the pool and thought for a few seconds before becoming worried and diving in. Luckily, he was already in his swimming gear, otherwise he would've been weighed down with his eccentric clothing taste.
A few seconds later he popped up with a perfectly fine Avallone, all worry erased from his face. They both swam to the side and I walked over to where she was.

Avallone's P.O.V.
My stomach churned in worry as I saw Tony's feet level to me head. I looked up and he was staring at me, a slight hint of worry on his face. Beside me, Loki spoke up. "She was fine. For some reason I couldn't find her mind. I think the water interfered with my mind reading." Tony smiled and extended his hand, "Well kiddo, you've got a sense of humour on ya." I took his hand and he hoisted me up.
I smiled at him and said, "Thanks." Then I walked around the other side of him and pushed him in. "LOKI!" I screamed and ran. I could hear Loki's laughter and hurried footsteps behind me. I ran into the training room and said, "Jarvis, lock the door. Make sure Tony can't unlock it, or anyone."
I collapsed on the floor laughing. "That outta teach him for trusting me." Loki started to laugh and in a few minutes we were both rolling on the floor laughing.


I strolled into the lounge to Nat, Clint and Eye-Patch conversing heatedly.
"Hey, bad timing?" I pointed towards the door with my thumbs as I questioned.
Fury shook his head and walked towards me. "I was just telling them that they are about to embark on a mission."
Then he left. Yeah, he just left after telling me. Why does he have to be so to-the-point about stuff?
"So, you're leaving?" I asked the both of them, only really caring about Natasha leaving. I guess I still haven't and that coffee with Clint yet. But, my friendship with Natasha has grown, I must say, to the point where I can easily call her my best friend.
"Yeah, pretty soon, like tonight soon. How does a goodbye party sound?e Natasha suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.
I nodded enthusiastically.
"Sounds great!"

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